IP address: This site can't be reached

What is the problem?

I cannot seem to be able to open the Octoprint Ui on my other laptop using the IP address of my current linux laptop. I typed "1**...:5000" and it says "This site can't be reached". But when I type the same IP address into the Linux computer (which has octoprint running), it works. Is there something wrong with my linux computer or window computer?

What did you already try to solve it?

It has worked before, like once, but it never did again. I have tried turning off firewall protection on my private network on my window laptop (didn't work), and i have also turned off automatic proxy setup (idk if thats related)

Have you tried running in safe mode?

Not sure how exactly to do this?

I am using a linux laptop (linux mint xfce) and trying to connect with a acer spin 3 window 11 home. (the linux laptop is supposed to act as the raspberry pi in this setup)

Extra information: whenever i try to ping the WIndow computer from the linux, it says destination host unreachable. and vice versa. it doesn't work

Oh and they are on the same wifi

Check your WiFi router for an option that prevents WiFi clients from seeing each other.

Ooh I see, thanks so much. I can now connect to my Linux laptop octoprint via my window computer. but i can't seem it get it to work the other way around. My linux laptop cannot connect to "my-window-computer-ip-address":5000. I also can't ping my window computer from my linux computer. (Is this pinging thing actually useful information, or is it unrelated)

Best regards,

OctoPrint running on the Linux laptop listens on port 5000 with a web server which can be connected to with a browser.

What application are you running on your Windows computer that listens on port 5000?

Windows has a firewall that will by default prevent most attempts to open ports including pings. Google "cannot ping windows pc" for details.