Is it possible to have 3D printer automatically turn on & off?

In Cura I have this option set. So I presume this would trigger something in the log right? Turn on printer using PSU Control ?

If it can turn on I'm sure it can turn off and visa versa .. Anyway I can't do nothing until someone advises me where this log is located please .. I'm going bed again in frustration....

Quick side note. Should I not be using the TPLlnk Plug in for the plug instead of this Tapo one ?

Also if you see the green lightening bolt. That should toggle the power to the PSU and that isn't working , by clicking on it one would presume it is creating logs somewhere no ?

when debugging is enabled it will write lines to the octoprint.log file lines like Switching PSU On and Switching PSU Off when clicking the icon in the navbar or with that option in enabled in Cura. One quick question, is your printer LCD powered by the USB when the printer is off (backpowering)?

ok, I'm an idiot. I just noticed your PSU Control settings. Your switching method needs to be changed to the Tapo sub-plugin for it to function properly.


No back powering going on using a USB adapter that kills the 5v.

Thank you for suggesting the method of switching to the plug. Because of this, my printer now turns on when I send a print job from Cura, which is brilliant. I've just finished a test job, and it turned off automatically afterwards. This is fantastic!

A special thanks to jneilliii for identifying the problem, and my gratitude to everyone who contributed to the thread. I'm absolutely thrilled with this outcome. This was the main reason I wanted to set up Octoprint, and now not only is this working, but I'm also reaping all the other advantages that come with having an Octoprint server.

Best wishes to everyone.

One thing to keep in mind is that you do NOT want to turn the printer off immediately after the print is finished. At least on my Prusa printer, the extruder fan needs to continue running until the extruder cools down. If you turn off the printer while the extruder is still hot, the fan will shut off and the excess heat could damage your extruder housing.

Instead, what you want is for the PSU control plugin to wait 10-15 minutes before shutting off.

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