Location of the yaml file

SUPER Edit... thanks to Phizicks from an awesome DIY discord...

no sure if nano is installed. try

nano /home/pi/oprint//lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/templates/tabs/file control.jinja2

then press CTRL+W and type control-xyhome and press enter. it should show where it is on the page.

easiest thing to do is delete that line

then press CTRL+X to exit and save when it asks you

EDIT...so i found the location of the file but that location does not give me a way to disable it.

Is there a way to disable the home command button in the x/y and z menu?

I need to edit the button command as my machine does not have endstops

What did you already try to solve it?/// i made custom commands to help

Logs none... i am trying to disable the sending of the command for the homing command...

I use with cnc, it works great as it is marlin based but big fingers, touch screen and watching the machine, i some times hit the home button and small movements cause crash, nema 23 can generate a lot of power...


I don't think you will be able to achieve this without creating a plugin to do it. All you would need to do is add an asset template plugin that includes a javascript file that runs the following command.


another option would be to remove the buttons altogether with this command.


thank you! i will now figure out how to update it. haha. thank you!