M112 Prusa MK2.5 problem

What is the problem?

Lately I'm having problem printing with my Prusa MK2.5, never had any problem, now evrytime I print it crashed about 10% in the printing with a M112 error.

What did you already try to solve it?

Check on forum didn't find anything conclusive.

Have you tried running in safe mode?

No... what is safe mode?

Did running in safe mode solve the problem?

Didn't try.

Systeminfo Bundle

You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog ... no bundle, no support!)

I'm running Octoprint 1.9.3
Prusa Firmware is at the latest, 3.13.2
Using Prusa Slicer 2.7.1

Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible

I'm running Octoprint 1.9.3
Prusa Firmware is at the latest, 3.13.2
Using Prusa Slicer 2.7.1

Hello @Gravy67 !

The blue words, like safe mode, are links.

And please attach the systeminfo bundle to your next post..

Yes, now that my message is printed in the forum I'm seeing that link....

When you type in a text, you have the preview to the right :wink:

Here is my system info....
octoprint-systeminfo-20231221163702.zip (53.0 KB)

Man.... I'm newbie to forum hahaha

Here is the issue:

2023-12-21 12:54:41,184 - octoprint.plugins.octopod - WARNING - Possible thermal runaway detected for tool0. Actual 207.1 and Target 220.0 
2023-12-21 12:57:32,884 - octoprint.util.comm - WARNING - Received an error from the printer's firmware: HOTEND THERMAL RUNAWAY
| Last lines in terminal:
| Send: N6447 G1 X99.366 Y78.687 E.03898*108
| Recv: ok
| Send: N6448 G1 X150.634 Y145.63 E4.42981*110
| Recv: T:202.9 /220.0 B:60.0 /60.0 T0:202.9 /220.0 @:127 B@:38 P:44.5
| Recv: ok
| Send: N6449 G1 X150.634 Y146.372 E.03898*103
| Recv: ok
| Send: N6450 G1 X99.366 Y79.429 E4.42981*85
| Recv: T:202.8 /220.0 B:60.0 /60.0 T0:202.8 /220.0 @:127 B@:37 P:44.5
| Recv: ok
| Send: N6451 G1 X99.366 Y80.171 E.03898*98
| Recv: ok
| Send: N6452 G1 X150.634 Y147.114 E4.42981*86
| Recv: T:202.9 /220.0 B:60.0 /60.0 T0:202.9 /220.0 @:127 B@:41 P:44.5
| Recv: ok
| Send: N6453 G1 X150.634 Y147.856 E.03898*96
| Recv: ok
| Send: N6454 G1 X99.366 Y80.913 E4.42981*83
| Recv: LCD status changed

A bit later again.

2023-12-21 14:45:14,289 - octoprint.plugins.octopod - WARNING - Possible thermal runaway detected for tool0. Actual 212.7 and Target 220.0 
2023-12-21 14:46:38,915 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2023-12-21 14:46:48,901 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 9910, 'printer_state': 'PRINTING'}
2023-12-21 14:55:15,881 - octoprint.plugins.octopod - WARNING - Possible thermal runaway detected for tool0. Actual 205.6 and Target 220.0 
2023-12-21 15:01:38,917 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2023-12-21 15:01:48,946 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 10810, 'printer_state': 'PRINTING'}
2023-12-21 15:05:47,618 - octoprint.plugins.octopod - WARNING - Possible thermal runaway detected for tool0. Actual 206.4 and Target 220.0 
2023-12-21 15:15:47,178 - octoprint.util.comm - WARNING - Received an error from the printer's firmware: HOTEND THERMAL RUNAWAY
| Last lines in terminal:
| Recv: T:205.0 /220.0 B:50.2 /50.0 T0:205.0 /220.0 @:127 B@:14 P:42.2
| Recv: echo:busy: processing
| Recv: ok
| Send: N11904 G1 X72.73 Y59.844 E.0195*87
| Recv: T:204.9 /220.0 B:50.2 /50.0 T0:204.9 /220.0 @:127 B@:13 P:42.2
| Recv: ok
| Send: N11905 G1 X161.776 Y148.891 E4.2626*87
| Recv: T:205.0 /220.0 B:49.9 /50.0 T0:205.0 /220.0 @:127 B@:58 P:42.3
| Recv: echo:busy: processing
| Recv: T:205.0 /220.0 B:49.9 /50.0 T0:205.0 /220.0 @:127 B@:63 P:42.2
| Recv: echo:busy: processing
| Recv: ok
| Send: N11906 G1 X162.352 Y148.891 E.0195*108
| Recv: T:205.0 /220.0 B:49.8 /50.0 T0:205.0 /220.0 @:127 B@:60 P:42.2
| Recv: ok
| Send: N11907 G1 X73.305 Y59.844 E4.26262*108
| Recv: T:205.0 /220.0 B:49.9 /50.0 T0:205.0 /220.0 @:127 B@:36 P:42.5
| Recv: echo:busy: processing
| Recv: LCD status changed

Obviously the hotend does not reach the desired temperature.

You may check the cabling of the hotend.
Check the part cooling fan is not cooling down the nozzle.
Same for the hotend cooler.
Check the PSU

I'm printing right now from the SD card... so I'll check it later but the things that bug me, yeah I got that error , THERMAL RUNAWAY, but it consecutively failed at the same place in my print 3 times, so I thought it was my Gcode, I've tried printing something else today and I had the same problem, here is a preview of my print (2 of them) you can clearly see it failed at the same place, so that's why I'm pulling out an hardware problem....

not pulling...rulling out....

You can't rule out a hardware problem, because the origin of the error is the hardware at the end of the day.

Your thermistor is reading 15c lower than the target temperature, and despite whatever the printer is doing this temperature won't go up - so something must be wrong and it is shut down. Now you have to find the reason for this.

It could be that, in this specific point of the print, the cooling fan kicks in and ends up cooling down the nozzle too much. Or, when the printer has done a specific movement in this print, there is something loose in the cable that's triggered an issue here.

It's definitely nothing to do with OctoPrint, it's a printer-side issue, whether that's the gcode, firmware or hardware.

Well I guess you are right Charlie, I did have the same problem printing out of the SD Card... I've check the thermistor... seems okay but I've ordered another one, will try to fix this over the weekend.

Perhaps you could use the OctoPrint UI to troubleshoot this. No filament or gcode required. Heat the nozzle to the temperature you have been printing with. Use the Control tab and move the nozzle around on the bed (to the edges). You can do this with the nozzle close to the bed and with various cooling fan speeds. Keep an eye on the Temperature graph which should show a completely horizontal line at the selected temperature.

The thermistor itself may not be bad but the thermistor wiring may be.

OK so I've changed my thermistor.... got the same problem but found out why, at some point in ALL my prints the fan goes to 250 (weird value thought 100 was the max) so I guess now the problem is coming from my slicer, I'm using Prusa Slicer ver 2.7.1... I've check and can't find where this setting could go wild since I've never mess with that.

I think I found it... there was one setting, Fan full speed on layer: mine was set on layer 4...

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