Does anyone know if OctoPrint supports Marlin's BINARY_FILE_TRANSFER option natively? More information in the link below. With the example python transfer client, I think it would be fairly easy to implement this as a plugin maybe if it's not supported already.

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It doesn't, I want even aware of this work being done.

Plugin sounds good for now since it will probably take years to propagate through the forks.

Haven't yet had a chance to study the code, is there a capability flag that could be detected?

BINARY_FILE_TRANSFER, as it turns out.

From the looks of it, this is more about transferring gcode files to the printer SD card than it is about streaming gcode to the buffer. Specifically, there is not much talking back from Marlin to the host while transfering files.

Yeah, I noticed the compatibility flag while looking at the terminal tab during connection and looked it up. I'm not as concerned about the buffer as being discussed heavily in the other TH3D thread, but more about upload to sd card. It looks like it was originally written more for firmware uploads to sd card, but it seems that would also improve gcode upload speeds as well.