Camera model Raspberry Pi HQ
What is the problem? I try to get the max. Res. Possible with the full FOV
What did you already try to solve it? I tried some FAQ and Guides i found online.
I tried 1080p but this result in a very small FOV and awfull Picture quality.
If i try Higher res. which have full FOV I get no Picture in octoprint even If i use1 FPS in the config.
Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, ...)
I use a Raspberry Pi 4B 2GB with the Pi HQ Cam
This might help, though I'm not sure if the HQ camera has the same sensor in it as the V2 regular camera - it details the available resolutions and the associated FOV
The HQ do only this Modes i can find but None of them works in octopi 1012x760 is the lowest but get only a black Screen.
OK jetzt tut sich gar nix mehr egal was ich auch n der octoprint.txt ändere die Auflösung bleibt gleich.
Muss ich jetzt das ganze Teil neu aufsetzen oder woran liegt sowas?
OK now Changes in the octoprint.txt don't have any effect anymore. Why could this Happen? And dobi need to Reinstall the whole octoprint?