I tried but it said it was too large to upload, that's why I posted a direct link to a google drive that has it. The file is 70mb.
This has happened multiple times I have seen a few posts with other Mingda printers that needed some tweaks. I don't know what that file gives for data but i would love to figure out what causes that annoying time out.
Looking at your systeminfo bundle, the OctoPrint.log has data only from 2024-12-02
And the Serial log only has data from 2024-11-29 through 2024-12-01
Neither of these logs includes the error message you have included in the screen shot.
This combination is pretty useless and likely means we cannot help you.
I suggest that you delete the serial log to purge the old data (it is the reason your file is big) . Then run your printer until you get the error again.. at this time. Pull the systeminfo Bundle. and post it again with any other new details you might have.