Mingda Magician X2 keeps giving serial error

What is the problem?

Every so many prints, my serial connection will dump on the Mingda Magician X2 (screen shot below)

What did you already try to solve it?

Made sure I had a USB C Data Transfer cable, not a charging cable! (10gb rated cable)

Have you tried running in safe mode?


Did running in safe mode solve the problem?

Did not try

Systeminfo Bundle

Link here - octoprint-systeminfo-20241202204102.zip - Google Drive


Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible

Build 2023.10.09.154319 with "camera-streamer", based on OctoPi 1.0.0, running on Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5


Why not?

Please upload the systeminfo bundle here and not to a(nother) file server.

I tried but it said it was too large to upload, that's why I posted a direct link to a google drive that has it. The file is 70mb.

This has happened multiple times I have seen a few posts with other Mingda printers that needed some tweaks. I don't know what that file gives for data but i would love to figure out what causes that annoying time out.

Looking at your systeminfo bundle, the OctoPrint.log has data only from 2024-12-02

And the Serial log only has data from 2024-11-29 through 2024-12-01

Neither of these logs includes the error message you have included in the screen shot.

This combination is pretty useless and likely means we cannot help you.

I suggest that you delete the serial log to purge the old data (it is the reason your file is big) . Then run your printer until you get the error again.. at this time. Pull the systeminfo Bundle. and post it again with any other new details you might have.

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