Missing wrench (settings)icon

What is the problem?

The wrench icon is no longer at the top of my Octoprint browser window.

What did you already try to solve it?

I looked for it. It's hiding from me.

Have you tried running in safe mode?

No as I only know enough about this stuff to make a problem worse. And, I don't know how to access safe mode. But I will look into that.

Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle

You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog ... no bundle, no support!)
Is this what's being asked?
Octoprint 1.10.1
Octopi 0.18.0

Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible

Using latest Brave browser on W10. The main Octoprint page looks normal but where there used to be the wrench icon next to my login profile name in the upper right corner, it's not there. I see the word Octolapse to the left of my profile name and the "Under voltage" icon, which I'm currently troubleshooting, but no wrench. I'm sure I've always accessed the settings menu via the wrench but I am getting older so maybe I just hallucinated the wrench. I'm more than likely missing something easy to explain this but in the meantime I do miss my access to the settings page. Any ideas would be helpful. I will look into safemode for now. Thanks.

Hello @Lencomm !

Can you please make a screenshot and post it here?

Here you go. Thanks.

To be clear, the wrench icon above the temp graph isn't the wrench used to access settings.

If you can get the systeminfo bundle that would be very helpful. I am almost certain that it is related to a plugin. Your headers just looks weird. Running it in safe mode will disable many plugins. If that brings the wrench back, you should start by disabling any 3rd party plugins you have installed. OctoLaps being a likely suspect since it seems to be doing something with the header bar.

Once you figure out which plugIn is causing the issue, I would not say you have to abandon that plugIn but maybe there is something misconfigured like special characters in one of the settings in the plugIn.

Thank you for the reply and info. When I go to "About" at the bottom of my browser window I have everything listed down the left side except "System Information", conveniently. I also have "Achievements" listed. Octolapse is currently disabled per the Octolapse page. I reckon I need to figure out how to get into safe mode. I wonder if restoring a backup of Octoprint would fix this.

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