New clean Octoprint install, uninstall first? How?


I installed Octoprint on a Raspberry 4 some 2 years ago, and it works well since. I stopped 3D printing 8 months ago due to other issues, and restarted the printer last weekend. It all still works. Octoprint wants to update, but fails to do so. Also I want to add klipper 3D to the Raspberry, but it fails. I would like to do a clean new install, but I don't know if I need to uninstall Octoprint first, nor how that should be done. I googled there is 'a pip command' to uninstall, but I have no clue as to what that means.

All help is appreciated,


Hello @HugoW !

There is no need of uninstalling when you start from scratch.
Just put the SD card into SD card writer. The imager does the rest.

You need the Raspberry Pi Imager

And the OctoPi image of your choice:




Thank you!

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