New Octopi Install

Hello Everyone,

I’m new to octoprint and have a quick question. I did a fresh install of octoprint and have everything up and running without any problems.

My question is when I try and use the HDMI port to hook up a pc monitor using the HDMI cable that came with the kit I only get a black screen at first and then no connection. I have access to octoprint only through web browser.

Is this normal or is there something else that needs to be done in order to get it to work. Thank you

This is the default behavior. OctoPrint is a server, which is accessed through web browsers.
It is possible to show the OctoPrint interface in a browser on a connected screen, but this is not the default configuration and requires additional steps.

This is normal and there is something else that can be done.

FieldOfView thank you very much that's the answer I was looking for... Perfect!

For my next dumb question. Shouldn't 3DShitStain (seriously?) see the pi console?

Since I am new to the hobby my prints looked exactly like my user name... LOL This was exactly what my wife said when she looked at it. If anyone is offended by this I am willing to change it if needed. As for the Pi console I don't see anything. I thought if it's plugged in I would see something like a dashboard or the Pi console. But that's why I asked that question. Thanks guys...

We do have children visit the forum...

I'm not offended it just seems kindda dumb, but your choice, call yourself anything.