So, I don't see those artifacts when I analyze in Simplify 3D (it seems like it has the best arc support of everything I have tested). Here are the first layers I looked at from the anti-stutter algorithm:
It does look like the infill overlaps more than I would expect. However, when I looked at the original, they overlapped there too, so I suspect it's a slicer setting:
I found this online analyzer that has some features no other viewer has. It isn't perfect, but I find myself using it quite often. It is especially good for looking at a single layer, since it can show the individual points between gcodes.
I think the next step is to print both the modified and original version and compare them. What do you think?
Arc commands are odd. I didn't understand them fully until I started messing around. It's a bit strange that your printer even attempted to create the arc rather than just ignoring the command. However, since the behavior is undefined, I guess there is no wrong to handle an invalid command like this.
Looking forward to using the plugin for my next print.
I can't wait to hear how it turns out! Now back to this awful absolute extrusion audit.. It's like pulling teeth. My own..
I'm 67% into the optimized version now, it doesn't appear to be having issues printing at all and the first artifact doesn't appear to be in the actual physical print, so assume an issue with the gcode viewer tab. I'll verify once it's done, but looks like I might have to do a filament swap, hopefully that won't break the arc commands with not having a starting point.
In any case, so far the bow of the benchy looks awesome. One of the smoothest I've seen come off my printer. I however wasn't experiencing the stuttering issue so not sure how much relevance that has.
Tomorrow, I'm going to start ramping up print speed to see how much I can tweak this. I'm at 60mm/s now (having brought 1st-layer speed up from 10mm/s) and I'll try 90mm/s to see if it blows up.
Nope, it should be fine. I tested that. Your printer will return to the same point, and all will be good.
In any case, so far the bow of the benchy looks awesome. One of the smoothest I've seen come off my printer.
Excellent! Try printing without the plugin too and compare the results (be sure to mark which is which, I've made that mistake before, lol). It would be awesome if this plugin actually improved the quality where stuttering isn't an issue, but I think it's unlikely. I would settle for identical parts
So this isn't a proper comparison as it's the difference between a benchy printed a while back at the beginning of the spool and there are pretty apparent water related issues in the AS print (green top).
I honestly can't even remember if this previous print was the same layer height or other settings, but the Benchy did come out without any major issues. The only spots that look like they were problematic are always the tough spots, the back name plate for example.
Actually, as documented by, and as for all other moves, these are relative to current position. So the simplest test code could indeed be just a single line: example half arc:
Full ack. I never understood why slicers completely ignore those commands tbh.
Actually this should be unnecessary. Just like G0 and G1, G2 and G3 should be buffered commands, which means they should return and acknowledge immediately once they are added to the planner buffer. So things should work as is out of the box. Did you run into actual issues without this, and if so which?
Hi all, i cant test it right now but if you want kisslicer does exactly what this plugin suppose to do so you might want to give it a go. enable it on kisslicer>printer>firmware>arcsupport>full.
@FormerLurker, I wouldn't mind trying this plugin too. I have a stl that caused me great problems printing through OctoPrint but did well through the SD card.
I like Octoprint and want to use it because of all the great features it offers.
I have an Ender 3 Pro with SKR 1.2 mini E3 card.
That is true, but both the current and final points must lie along the circumference of a circle defined by either the radius or the center point. Since homing X and Y will not necessarily result in the printer being at position 0,0 in all firmware, it's important to insure that the printer is at the origin. For more compatibility you could do this:
G28 X Y
G0 X0 Y0
G2 X40 I20
It wouldn't hurt to have a G90 in there too, in case the printer's XYZ axes are in relative mode.
That warning is from 'Display Layer Progress' plugin. It's looking for the layer change comments, but the output from the plugin is adding a space after the semicolon. I will see what I can do to preserve white spaces after the semicolon.
i forgot whats in a premium and what is not. but if thats a free account and you are running the latest alpha version (guess its the v2 1.6.3) than it is part of the premium account. i can generate a gcode for you to try with arc and without arc control. I am not sure you will be able to run it on your machine but at least you can dive into the code.