I am NOT running the alpha. I will try that first before asking you to post gcode.
Me? No. But we were asking earlier and it's a known work-around in Marlin to toggle off G2/G3 support to free up some memory.
But I did see the "long-running command" indication in the log before adding them, as suggested earlier.
So, this IS an alpha feature. However, I tried slicing a Benchy using several configurations, and no G2s or G3s were produced. I tried 3D and 5D firmware types, and both full and partial arc support:
Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Can you give it a go and see what happens? Perhaps I don't understand this feature. Maybe it needs a different kind of model to work (not stl)?
In your post #29 (New Plugin: Anti Stutter - Need Testers) I'm not sure why the "G92 X0 Y0" is there. The "G28 X Y" tells the printer to figure out where X=0 and Y=0 are so the "G90" and "G0 X40 Y40" should just work.
After the "G28 X Y" my LulzBot TAZ 6 uses the X and Y min switches to find 0,0 (after raising Z to make sure the nozzle doesn't run into anything) and then positions itself at X=-19, Y=258 in anticipation of finding the Z min switch. It would be very wrong to do a G92 at this point.
Not for the test code that @outsourcedguru posted. The point of that g92 is to fix the coordinates to match the arc command so that both points (start and end) are exactly along the circumference of the arc.
To make the code even more compatible, you could add another G28 to the very end. Better still would be to use G0 X0 Y0 after G28, then draw a semicircle that stays in quadrant containing positive X and Y values. That should work for both center and front-left origin printers, and it would leave the printer in a usable state without re-homing.
Ignore that blather.. @b-morgan is right.
Very interested. Please send message. I'm down
Sorry about that. The person had just posted a video where their printer was freaking out. I couldn't tell if it was due to relative movement mode (unlikely) or what. In their case, it looks like theirs homed to the back/left like many printers.
Hey, I should have waited to have coffee before I responded, lol. Yes yes yes.. g0 would be sufficient. Updating my OP.
I really want to test this plugin
I would like to start using/testing this plugin too!
I'd like to test your plugin as well.
I'd like to try/test it too, if it's possible to run it on Pi Zero W.
I don't see why not since it is a pre-processor. Will shoot you a DM.
Plugin is working good for me so far. Only problem i have are the little connection lines between infill. They are also converted into g2/g3. They are printed very very slowly (actually it looks like printer has stopped, but when looking at the belts, its moving). I think thats a problem of the printer maybe, because the other arcs are printed in normal speed.
Any idea where this comes from?

Are the infill lines being printed slowly too? There is no feedrate adjustment on the G3 there, so if it's a problem with the gcode I would expect the commands before and after it to also be slow.
So, I've been experimenting, and noticed some flat edges that should be curves when printing Benchy. I suspect the marlin setting MM_PER_ARC_SEGMENT
is to blame, as it is set to an extremely conservative value of 1mm. I'm not confident enough to re-compile firmware for my Mk2s + mmu2, but perhaps some of you would be willing to set a minimum segment length of 0.1 and run a before and after Benchy with the anti-stutter gcode?
I'm continuing to investigate this, and will post pics of what I'm talking about soon.
It's always something...
For what it's worth, I'm printing parts and I have no problems at all with the plugin. It's behaving wonderfully for me.
I am having adhesion problems today with my Shaxon natural filament that's been sitting out for about a year, as to be expected. It's not in the least related to the plugin, though.
Amazing results!
I'm ready to test it with delta printer and klipper firmware. How to get it?
I just got around to installing the plugin. I uploaded a file from Cura sliced with relative extrusion enabled. But I don't see a new file being generated after upload. I waited about 5 minutes so far. It's a 3MB file.