New Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W not connecting 2023

What is the problem?

Installed new version of Octopi but not connecting.

Have you already try to solve it?

I have checked all write-up's to no avail almost all information regarding this are two or more years old and out of date, only referring to the old Raspberry Pi Zero W board.

Have you tried running in safe mode?

Makes no difference

Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle

You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog... no bundle, no support, unless the reason you couldn't retrieve the bundle is your network issues (there is no facility to upload bundle)

OSError: [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device

Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Opening serial connection"
Connecting to port /dev/ttyAMA0, baudrate 115200
Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial connection" to "Connecting"
Connected to: Serial<id=0x6e32ccb8, open=True>(port='/dev/ttyAMA0', baudrate=115200, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=10.0, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False), starting monitor
Send: N0 M110 N0*125
Unexpected error while reading serial port, please consult octoprint.log (no octoprint.log found) for details: OSError: '[Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device' @
Changing monitoring state from "Connecting" to "Offline after error"
Connection closed, closing down monitor

Could not write to serial port

OctoPrint 1.9.2 Python 3.9.2 OctoPi* 1.0.0 (build 2023.07.20.144556)

Additional information about your setup

Hardware you are trying to connect to, hardware you are trying to connect from, router, access point, used operating systems, ... as much data as possible

Windows 10 64bit. Prusa i3 MK3S. Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W to Einsy Rambo board.

that means most likely that the port isn't enabled.

the guides for the zero 1 should also work for the zero 2.

what have you done so far?
I assume you did everything in the tutorial I posted?

You enabled the RPi setting on the printer, added the following lines to the /boot/config.txt,


removed this string from the /boot/cmdline.txt,


ran those commands,

sudo systemctl disable hciuart.service
sudo systemctl disable bluetooth.service

and rebooted the Pi?

Hello PrintedWeezl. Many thanks for your prompt reply.
Yes to the 2 lines of code in the /boot/config.txt.
Could not find the 1 x line in /boot/cmdline.txt.
However, i did run the 2 x lines with Putty in the online connection.
And yes, i did reboot the Prusa and Octopi.

Still no connection :rage:

I found the 1 x line in /boot/cmdline.txt and deleted that line.
Rebooted the Pi.

Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Opening serial connection"
Connecting to port /dev/ttyAMA0, baudrate 115200
Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial connection" to "Connecting"
Connected to: Serial<id=0x75094208, open=True>(port='/dev/ttyAMA0', baudrate=115200, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=10.0, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False), starting monitor
Send: N0 M110 N0125
No answer from the printer within the connection timeout, trying another hello
Send: N0 M110 N0
There was a timeout while trying to connect to the printer
Changing monitoring state from "Connecting" to "Offline"
Connection closed, closing down monitor

This response (connection but no communication) is typical of the 'RPi Port' option being wrong on the printer.

On = GPIO connection
Off = USB connection

Hi Charlie. Thanks for the reply.
I am looking at the Raspberry Pi 4 B at the moment. It might have a better connection versus the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W. An expensive way to find out though.

At least you don't get the '[Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device' error anymore.
That means it should work from the Pi side.

Unfortunately that's all I can tell you since I can't test it on that printer.

Unlikely. If you want to connect the Pi 4 to the printer via the RPi port you have to use jumper cables. Just a zero can be mounted on that port.

You can of course also use a USB cable to connect it to the printer

OK. So, is there an earlier ISO i can download? It seems that this newer 1.9.1 has screwed everything up.
It was working fine on the older version as well as the webcam (which don't work on this either).

Did you check the RPi port setting I mentioned? What state is it in while you are trying to connect?

If you have changed setup, then it would be helpful to post an updated systeminfo bundle from the new setup.

Yes Charlie. The RPI port was one of the first things i done.
But thanks for asking.

Could not autodetect your printer

No working connection parameters could be found. Are you sure your printer is physically connected and supported? Refer to the FAQ for help in debugging this.

It's not our fault that you can't get it working.

I hope you have better luck with next software - even though OctoPrint has nothing to do with your issue.