New release: 1.7.3

The first release of 2022 is a bugfix release for 1.7.x containing one bugfix and one workaround for a dependency incompatibility introduced last night:

You can also take a look at the extremely short changelog on GitHub.

Like every single release (and release candidate) of OctoPrint ever since early 2016 this release was made possible only through your continued support of my work πŸ’•

Issues while updating?

On every new OctoPrint release we see some people run into the same issues with outdated or broken environments all over again. If you encounter a problem during update, please check this collection of the most common issues encountered over the past couple of release cycles first, and test if the included fixes solve your problem.


The heads-ups from 1.7.0 still apply, please read them carefully, they might impact you and how you use OctoPrint! Also see the Further Information and Links below for more information, where to find help and how to roll back.


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this bugfix release and provided full, analyzable bug reports, suggestions and feedback!

A special Thank you! to these fine people for their PRs:

Further Information

If connected to the internet, OctoPrint will allow you to apply this update automatically via an update notification. It may take up to 24h for this notification to pop up, so don't be alarmed if it doesn't show up immediately after reading this. You can force the update however via Settings > Software Update > Advanced options > Force check for update.

If your update fails chances are high you are running into one of the common update issues listed with fixes here, so please go through that FAQ entry first.

If you have any problems with your OctoPrint installation, please seek support on the community forum.


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Aww, no fine people this time!
(only the very finest herself, thanks @foosel!)

There should at least be @kantlivelong there - looks like the forum has not pulled through some parts of the main blog post.

Yeah, this copy stuff seems to throw away anything that doesn't fit the general Markdown mold. I might just disable it in the future and just leave it at a link back to the post.

I'm updating from 1.6.1 to 1.7.3 and iΒ΄m getting the error:

Command "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/ get_requires_for_build_wheel /tmp/tmprwaeRx" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-install-uQexua/PyYAML
The update did not finish successfully. Please consult octoprint.log and plugin_softwareupdate_console.log for details.

What can I do?

Updating from 4+ year old software to 3+ year old software is probably not a good idea.

A better idea would be to start over with a current release OS and a current release of OctoPrint. Please open a new Get Help topic, fill out the template as best you can (there's no such thing as too much information) and we can help you get running again.