Same problem, I have reported it also on the discord server.
This is my most recent piece of log on octoprint
2024-12-30 14:11:19,126 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Jpeg posted to server - <Response [500]>
2024-12-30 14:11:25,127 - pybambu - ERROR - A1MINI: A Chamber Image thread outer exception occurred:
2024-12-30 14:11:25,127 - pybambu - ERROR - A1MINI: Exception. Type: <class 'TimeoutError'> Args: timed out
2024-12-30 14:11:31,564 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Jpeg posted to server - <Response [500]>
2024-12-30 14:11:39,564 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Jpeg posted to server - <Response [500]>
2024-12-30 14:11:39,573 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - API called: get_plugin_status
2024-12-30 14:11:48,808 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Received: {"remote_status": {"viewing": true}, "type": "printer.message"}
2024-12-30 14:11:49,023 - octoprint.plugins.obico - ERROR - 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_metadata'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/octoprint/plugins/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint_obico/", line 136, in get_file_metadata
return plugin._file_manager._storage_managers.get(origin).get_metadata(path) or {}
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_metadata'
2024-12-30 14:11:49,024 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Sending to server:
{'status': {'state': {'text': 'Printing from SD', 'flags': {'operational': True, 'printing': True, 'cancelling': False, 'pausing': False, 'resuming': False, 'finishing': False, 'closedOrError': False, 'error': False, 'paused': False, 'ready': False, 'sdReady': True}, 'error': ''}, 'job': {'file': {'name': 'Gridfinity Optimized bed scraper.3mf', 'path': 'Gridfinity Optimized bed scraper.3mf', 'display': 'Gridfinity Optimized bed scraper.3mf', 'origin': 'sdcard', 'size': 1705651, 'date': None}, 'estimatedPrintTime': None, 'averagePrintTime': None, 'lastPrintTime': None, 'filament': None, 'user': None}, 'currentZ': None, 'progress': {'completion': 89.99994723422317, 'filepos': 1535085, 'printTime': 81, 'printTimeLeft': 3, 'printTimeLeftOrigin': 'estimate'}, 'offsets': {}, 'resends': {'count': 0, 'transmitted': 10, 'ratio': 0}, 'temperatures': {'tool0': {'actual': 220.0, 'target': 220.0, 'offset': 0}, 'bed': {'actual': 65.0, 'target': 65.0, 'offset': 0}, 'chamber': {'actual': None, 'target': None, 'offset': 0}}, '_ts': 1735567909, 'currentLayerHeight': None, 'file_metadata': None}, 'current_print_ts': 1735567827}
2024-12-30 14:11:50,760 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Jpeg posted to server - <Response [500]>
2024-12-30 14:11:50,767 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - API called: get_plugin_status
2024-12-30 14:11:55,687 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Jpeg posted to server - <Response [200]>
2024-12-30 14:11:56,155 - pybambu - ERROR - A1MINI: A Chamber Image thread outer exception occurred:
2024-12-30 14:11:56,155 - pybambu - ERROR - A1MINI: Exception. Type: <class 'TimeoutError'> Args: timed out
2024-12-30 14:11:57,043 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Jpeg posted to server - <Response [200]>
2024-12-30 14:11:57,891 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Received: {"remote_status": {"viewing": false}, "type": "printer.message"}
2024-12-30 14:11:58,694 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Jpeg posted to server - <Response [200]>
2024-12-30 14:11:59,031 - octoprint.plugins.obico - ERROR - 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_metadata'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/octoprint/plugins/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint_obico/", line 136, in get_file_metadata
return plugin._file_manager._storage_managers.get(origin).get_metadata(path) or {}
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_metadata'
2024-12-30 14:11:59,032 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Sending to server:
{'status': {'state': {'text': 'Printing from SD', 'flags': {'operational': True, 'printing': True, 'cancelling': False, 'pausing': False, 'resuming': False, 'finishing': False, 'closedOrError': False, 'error': False, 'paused': False, 'ready': False, 'sdReady': True}, 'error': ''}, 'job': {'file': {'name': 'Gridfinity Optimized bed scraper.3mf', 'path': 'Gridfinity Optimized bed scraper.3mf', 'display': 'Gridfinity Optimized bed scraper.3mf', 'origin': 'sdcard', 'size': 1705651, 'date': None}, 'estimatedPrintTime': None, 'averagePrintTime': None, 'lastPrintTime': None, 'filament': None, 'user': None}, 'currentZ': None, 'progress': {'completion': 90.99997596225722, 'filepos': 1552142, 'printTime': 91, 'printTimeLeft': 4, 'printTimeLeftOrigin': 'estimate'}, 'offsets': {}, 'resends': {'count': 0, 'transmitted': 10, 'ratio': 0}, 'temperatures': {'tool0': {'actual': 220.0, 'target': 220.0, 'offset': 0}, 'bed': {'actual': 65.0, 'target': 65.0, 'offset': 0}, 'chamber': {'actual': None, 'target': None, 'offset': 0}}, '_ts': 1735567919, 'currentLayerHeight': None, 'file_metadata': None}, 'current_print_ts': 1735567827}
2024-12-30 14:12:02,692 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Jpeg posted to server - <Response [500]>
2024-12-30 14:12:02,699 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - API called: get_plugin_status
2024-12-30 14:12:09,039 - octoprint.plugins.obico - ERROR - 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_metadata'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/octoprint/plugins/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint_obico/", line 136, in get_file_metadata
return plugin._file_manager._storage_managers.get(origin).get_metadata(path) or {}
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_metadata'
2024-12-30 14:12:09,040 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Sending to server:
{'status': {'state': {'text': 'Printing from SD', 'flags': {'operational': True, 'printing': True, 'cancelling': False, 'pausing': False, 'resuming': False, 'finishing': False, 'closedOrError': False, 'error': False, 'paused': False, 'ready': False, 'sdReady': True}, 'error': ''}, 'job': {'file': {'name': 'Gridfinity Optimized bed scraper.3mf', 'path': 'Gridfinity Optimized bed scraper.3mf', 'display': 'Gridfinity Optimized bed scraper.3mf', 'origin': 'sdcard', 'size': 1705651, 'date': None}, 'estimatedPrintTime': None, 'averagePrintTime': None, 'lastPrintTime': None, 'filament': None, 'user': None}, 'currentZ': None, 'progress': {'completion': 90.99997596225722, 'filepos': 1552142, 'printTime': 101, 'printTimeLeft': 4, 'printTimeLeftOrigin': 'estimate'}, 'offsets': {}, 'resends': {'count': 0, 'transmitted': 10, 'ratio': 0}, 'temperatures': {'tool0': {'actual': 220.0, 'target': 220.0, 'offset': 0}, 'bed': {'actual': 65.0, 'target': 65.0, 'offset': 0}, 'chamber': {'actual': None, 'target': None, 'offset': 0}}, '_ts': 1735567929, 'currentLayerHeight': None, 'file_metadata': None}, 'current_print_ts': 1735567827}
2024-12-30 14:12:10,786 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Jpeg posted to server - <Response [500]>
2024-12-30 14:12:10,792 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - API called: get_plugin_status
2024-12-30 14:12:22,704 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Jpeg posted to server - <Response [500]>
2024-12-30 14:12:22,711 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - API called: get_plugin_status
2024-12-30 14:12:27,183 - pybambu - ERROR - A1MINI: A Chamber Image thread outer exception occurred:
2024-12-30 14:12:27,183 - pybambu - ERROR - A1MINI: Exception. Type: <class 'TimeoutError'> Args: timed out
2024-12-30 14:12:34,742 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Jpeg posted to server - <Response [500]>
2024-12-30 14:12:34,749 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - API called: get_plugin_status
2024-12-30 14:12:41,443 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Jpeg posted to server - <Response [500]>
2024-12-30 14:12:41,452 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - API called: get_plugin_status
2024-12-30 14:12:42,414 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Received: {"remote_status": {"viewing": true}, "type": "printer.message"}
2024-12-30 14:12:43,071 - octoprint.plugins.obico - ERROR - 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_metadata'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/octoprint/plugins/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint_obico/", line 136, in get_file_metadata
return plugin._file_manager._storage_managers.get(origin).get_metadata(path) or {}
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_metadata'
2024-12-30 14:12:43,072 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Sending to server:
{'status': {'state': {'text': 'Printing from SD', 'flags': {'operational': True, 'printing': True, 'cancelling': False, 'pausing': False, 'resuming': False, 'finishing': False, 'closedOrError': False, 'error': False, 'paused': False, 'ready': False, 'sdReady': True}, 'error': ''}, 'job': {'file': {'name': 'Gridfinity Optimized bed scraper.3mf', 'path': 'Gridfinity Optimized bed scraper.3mf', 'display': 'Gridfinity Optimized bed scraper.3mf', 'origin': 'sdcard', 'size': 1705651, 'date': None}, 'estimatedPrintTime': None, 'averagePrintTime': None, 'lastPrintTime': None, 'filament': None, 'user': None}, 'currentZ': None, 'progress': {'completion': 90.99997596225722, 'filepos': 1552142, 'printTime': 135, 'printTimeLeft': 7, 'printTimeLeftOrigin': 'estimate'}, 'offsets': {}, 'resends': {'count': 0, 'transmitted': 10, 'ratio': 0}, 'temperatures': {'tool0': {'actual': 220.0, 'target': 220.0, 'offset': 0}, 'bed': {'actual': 65.0, 'target': 65.0, 'offset': 0}, 'chamber': {'actual': None, 'target': None, 'offset': 0}}, '_ts': 1735567963, 'currentLayerHeight': None, 'file_metadata': None}, 'current_print_ts': 1735567827}
2024-12-30 14:12:43,182 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Jpeg posted to server - <Response [200]>
2024-12-30 14:12:43,350 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Received: {"remote_status": {"viewing": false}, "type": "printer.message"}
2024-12-30 14:12:44,765 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Jpeg posted to server - <Response [200]>
2024-12-30 14:12:48,700 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Jpeg posted to server - <Response [200]>
2024-12-30 14:12:52,760 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Jpeg posted to server - <Response [500]>
2024-12-30 14:12:52,767 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - API called: get_plugin_status
2024-12-30 14:12:53,081 - octoprint.plugins.obico - ERROR - 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_metadata'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/octoprint/plugins/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint_obico/", line 136, in get_file_metadata
return plugin._file_manager._storage_managers.get(origin).get_metadata(path) or {}
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_metadata'
2024-12-30 14:12:53,082 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Sending to server:
{'status': {'state': {'text': 'Printing from SD', 'flags': {'operational': True, 'printing': True, 'cancelling': False, 'pausing': False, 'resuming': False, 'finishing': False, 'closedOrError': False, 'error': False, 'paused': False, 'ready': False, 'sdReady': True}, 'error': ''}, 'job': {'file': {'name': 'Gridfinity Optimized bed scraper.3mf', 'path': 'Gridfinity Optimized bed scraper.3mf', 'display': 'Gridfinity Optimized bed scraper.3mf', 'origin': 'sdcard', 'size': 1705651, 'date': None}, 'estimatedPrintTime': None, 'averagePrintTime': None, 'lastPrintTime': None, 'filament': None, 'user': None}, 'currentZ': None, 'progress': {'completion': 90.99997596225722, 'filepos': 1552142, 'printTime': 145, 'printTimeLeft': 8, 'printTimeLeftOrigin': 'estimate'}, 'offsets': {}, 'resends': {'count': 0, 'transmitted': 10, 'ratio': 0}, 'temperatures': {'tool0': {'actual': 220.0, 'target': 220.0, 'offset': 0}, 'bed': {'actual': 65.0, 'target': 65.0, 'offset': 0}, 'chamber': {'actual': None, 'target': None, 'offset': 0}}, '_ts': 1735567973, 'currentLayerHeight': None, 'file_metadata': None}, 'current_print_ts': 1735567827}
2024-12-30 14:12:58,211 - pybambu - ERROR - A1MINI: A Chamber Image thread outer exception occurred:
2024-12-30 14:12:58,211 - pybambu - ERROR - A1MINI: Exception. Type: <class 'TimeoutError'> Args: timed out
2024-12-30 14:13:06,026 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Jpeg posted to server - <Response [500]>
2024-12-30 14:13:06,033 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - API called: get_plugin_status
2024-12-30 14:13:14,024 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - Jpeg posted to server - <Response [500]>
2024-12-30 14:13:14,031 - octoprint.plugins.obico - DEBUG - API called: get_plugin_status