I need help with the touchscreen with my Raspberry Pi 3B+ "OctoPrint" and my MHS3.5inch display.
Unfortunately after many attempts I still can't get the touchscreen even using the forums and the special wiki for my screen, nothing is impossible to get the touchscreen. So what to do?
If you have the answer I am open to any exchange, goodbye to you and see you later.
To me it sounds like that's most likely the issue.
So what you have to do is the following:
Open the MHS35-show file in a texteditor like notepad++ (assuming you're on windows) and replace a paths that link to /boot/config.txt with /boot/firmware/config.txt.
Unfortunately the script also runs a few subscripts and you have to do the same thing with those files.
Search for lines where the script runs files with an .sh ending like this sudo ./system_backup.sh
I hope there aren't any subsubscripts
Hope that fixes your issue
Sorry ignore that - I wrongfully assumed OctoPi was running bookworm, but it is still running bullseye. Unless you installed it on a recent RaspberryOS image yourself , this doesn't fix your issue.
Were there any error messages when you ran the script last time?
no visible error it is obvious when running the script I just noticed that at one point there was some pink text that was displayed for a short second.