Noir V2 gives no stream

Camera model
Raspberry Noir V2

What is the problem?
I have tried to set up the Noir V2 with my raspberry pi 3b+ but there's no stream. I get Supported=1 Detected=1 when looking for cam via SSH (vcgencmd get_camera).

Afther raspistill -o image.jpg i got Camera control callback cmd=0x4f525245mmal

This is my log: octoprint (2).log (81.2 KB)

Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, ...)
Octoprint version 1.5.3
octopi version 0.18.0

Check if the sunny connector on the cam board itself is correctly connected


Hi, thanks for replying

I checked if the sunny is connected properly and it is.

Do you have other suggestions for me?