Not queuing T0, that tool doesn't exist according to the printer profile or was reported as invalid by the firmware. Make sure your printer profile is set up correctly.

What is the problem?

Not queuing T0, that tool doesn't exist according to the printer profile or was reported as invalid by the firmware. Make sure your printer profile is set up correctly.

What did you already try to solve it?

Nothing yet

Have you tried running in safe mode?


Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Complete Logs

octoprint.log, serial.log or output on terminal tab at a minimum, browser error console if UI issue ... no logs, no support! Not log excerpts, complete logs.)


Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible


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running into the same issue. Geeetech A20M Sliced with Prusa 4.8.0 and trying to print in 2 colors.
Terminal (supressed temp messages):

Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Starting"
Send: N0 M110 N0125
Recv: ok
Changing monitoring state from "Starting" to "Printing"
Warn: Not queuing T0, that tool doesn't exist according to the printer profile or was reported as invalid by the firmware. Make sure your printer profile is set up correctly.
Send: N1 M82
Recv: ok
Send: N2 G28*17

I setup dual extruder with shared noozle.
When printing from SF-Card instead of octoprint, everything is fine.
I will try to upload more logs, unfortunately I first deleted them to get fresh one, now have
to look to create new :see_no_evil:

best regards


Hello @amarokbell !

Wait a minute: Recent version is 2.3.0.


Sorry....CURA 4.8.0

best regards


Currently printing same File from SD Card and this works fine.

best regards


So, how are the settings of the printer profile in OctoPrint?


2 extruders, shared noozle.


octoprint.log (32.1 KB)

There is a printer profile in Cura, a printer profile in OctoPrint, and the firmware configuration. All three need to agree.

I believe we are going to need a serial.log (it needs to be enabled first, click for more info).

Using a simple two color object (like a 4x4x4mm cube with the top half one color and the bottom half the other color), please post the gcode your slicer generated and the serial.log of the attempt to print that object.

The terminal output you posted doesn't make any sense because you didn't use the </> button to surround it and the markdown code this forum uses ate some of the characters. There is also no command with T0 as a parameter so its hard to tell exactly what happened.

Hi B-Morgan,

thank you for your reply, I will try to fetch these things. First have to enable the serial log.

kind regards


I'd like you to try in safe mode (another link for more info). You have plugins installed and lots of errors in your octoprint.log which makes it hard to tell exactly what is going on.

I will delete the not needed Plugins for now, and will get a fresh logfile.

best regards


Here comes G-Code and the logfiles (safemode):
octoprint (1).log (219.6 KB) serial (1).log (136.3 KB) GA_cube1_a.gcode (522.8 KB)

best regards


And just to remember, same gcode-file saved to SD-Card works fine.


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Obviously the printer does not know about another extruder at that moment:

2021-02-07 18:06:20,566 - Send: N15 M104 T1 S200*22
2021-02-07 18:06:20,570 - Recv: echo:M104 Invalid extruder 1

Working with two tools can be a bit tricky.

I set the heat up at the very first lines of the slicer start code (this is for PrusaSlicer):

M104 S[first_layer_temperature_1] T1
M109 S[first_layer_temperature_0] T0

So when you do a tool change, you don't get an error due to under temperature.

The firmware for the A20M is pretty clever and the slicer is pretty dumb.

M104 S200 T1 is rejected by the printer firmware because it knows that there's only one nozzle. This rejection is ignored when printing from the SD card but shows up as a non-fatal error when printing via OctoPrint.

The slicer needs to be smarter. This problem was solved for Simplify 3D in but a quick look at Cura 4.8.0 did not find a similar fix.

The error appears to be non-fatal so you can just ignore it. You could post a bug report in Ultimaker's Cura forums and hope they can "fix" it in a future release.

This topic in the Ultimaker forums appears relevant: Geeetech A10T with Cura > 4.7 - Ultimaker Cura - Ultimaker Community of 3D Printing Experts.

I configured Cura 4.8.0 with the above and the resulting gcode doesn't contain any temperature commands referencing T1 (i.e. problem solved).

Thanks to all.

after using the "Printer Plugin" for Cura and setting Shared heater, everything works like a charm.

best regards


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