Many thanks for this @walterlayher. I will do this tomorrow morning!
This could also be a damaged file system. You could try to repair it with
sudo fsck.ext4 /dev/sda2
Althouth /dev/sda2 is an unusual device name on a raspberry pi. The sd card is usually /dev/mmcblk0p2 or something similar. Do you have a hard disk or an ssd connected?
I have an SSD connected.Come to think of it, because of some random 500 errors, I changed my original setup that ran effortless for some 3 years, somewhere last November. Changed from a rpi3 booting from SD to a rpi4-2gb booting from ssd. Installed fresh. Flashed with the raspberry pi imager.
Next steps for me will be, in order;
- DNS checks
- running octoprint from ssd connected through a powered usb hub
- doing a clean install on a different ssd
This is all resolving fine currently. I think it was a non-related clitch. Many thanks for the 'copy-paste' commands you provided.
Hi all,
so yesterday I did a print in safemode. In short;
- error 500 occured
- OctoApp was still live in realtime with telemetry
- Connected PiCamera was streaming on port 8080. Alle formats were available (stream, webrtc, etc)
- print finish without failing
- terminal (connected to Pi via HDMI) was displaying EXT4-fs errors
I grabbed the log from this printsession and added it to this post. If someone with more knowledge could check for irregularities, that would be amazing! (107.5 KB) - (file renamed for clearity purposes)
Again, thanks all for previous input and future input. It helps me in my quest to solve this issue.
Have you tried a new SD card for Pi?
Time to bring out the big guns:
sudo fsck.ext4 /dev/sda2
I can only run this with an unmounted drive. So this means I should connect the SSD to a different linux box and run the test from there on this drive. Do I understand that correctly?
Yes, it is connected via USB, so you can plug the drive into any system running linux with any architecture (arm, x64 etc.) and run the command there. Could be also the same system running from sd card. Just do what is easier/faster for you.
You could boot your Raspbery Pi from a microSD card and then run the command on the unmounted SSD.
I'd prefer this option as it will also verify that the rest of the hardware is functional as well.
Alright so I got back from fsck.ext4 /dev/sda2
e2fsck 1.47.0 (5-Feb-2023)
rootfs: clean, 75292/30396000 files, 3214333/122030086 blocks
The check was rather fast (few seconds). Not sure that is to be expected.
Are you sure that was the correct device? Did you use the same linux system (the Raspberry Pi) as before or another system? I am asking because if you plugged the ssd into another system the name of the device could change and you could have tested a different device.
If this was the correct device and it caused filesystem errors during operation the cause could have been insufficient power. If your power supply was operating at its limit the power needed for the ssd could have been to much. You could try to use another power supply and see if the problems go away then.
Tested with a raspberry pi 3. As that had an SD card with working image ready. I checked that sda2 and sda2 where the SSD octoprint is running from. Sda1 being the boot partition of the SSD.
I suspect power issues here as well. Looking for ways to check the powered usb hub and pi4 to check it is receiving enough amps.
I have a USB 5v testdongle for this but it has a usb-A connector. Whereas the pi4 I using USB C and the hub has a barrel connector for 5v.
Anyways, later this evening I will setup the printer and octoprint, printing in safe mode with all usb devices powered from the usb hub (camera's not yet connected).
Best regards
I use power metering wall plugs for this, like a shelly-s or some similar plugs with Tasmota firmware. Those are also quite handy for shutting off your printer with OctoPrint.
Ah, good one. I will try to free some up for this purpose
Wonder if a INA219 connected to an ESP8266 with ESPhome would work for this. Maybe a different topic
FYI, If you have an automated plug that has a ESP32 based processor, you can wire it straight to the pi output to shut it down when done, even the pi. They both use 3V logic.