Is it possible install octoprint with sindoh 3dwox DP200 and Cubepro Trio?
I was a bit irritated about the term closed system. Afaik, that is a system that does not allow a connection from outside this system.
The printers you mentioned are enclosed printers.
As long they use RapRap firmware (Marlin, Repetier etc), they maybe run with OctoPrint.
You may get that information from the manufacturerr.
Although CubePro is closed system, it can run via USB port with its firmware.
There exist Simplyf profiles to create gcode and after creating the code there exist a encoder to translate the code to printer's desired file format.
All in all, we can manage the system with generated and converted codes.With this steps, can octoprint manage the printer?
As @Ewald_Ikemann pointed out, OctoPrint can communicate with any printer that has a USB serial connection and firmware that speaks a flavor of GCode (like Marlin) that it understands over that serial connection. It will even communicate with some printers that don't speak clearly if a plugin has been (or can be) written to translate.
To answer the specific question of will OctoPrint manage / communicate with a specific printer model, someone with that specific printer has to have tried, succeeded, and reported their success here (or failed and reported that as well).
The printer manufacturer should know the answer or be able to supply enough information for the answer to be determined. The less willing they are to provide information, then the less likely that OctoPrint will work.