Octo4a - run OctoPrint on Android

Hi! Recently I've released an early version of my app that allows for easy installation of OctoPrint on Android devices. It's a great way to make use of an old phone or tablet. It doesn't require root access and the entire installation process is one click of a button. No need for a raspberry pi :slight_smile:


  • Quick and easy installation.
  • Printer connection via USB OTG. Thanks to the custom USB driver you can use OctoPrint even on phones without root access.
  • Built-in camera support. You can use the built-in camera in your phone to see the progress of your 3D prints, instead of buying a separate module. The app also supports Octolapse.
  • SSH support. You can easily log-in via ssh and customize your installation.

Read more about the project and download the app from GitHub: GitHub - feelfreelinux/octo4a: Use your old Android device as an OctoPrint server.
Join the telegram chat for support: Telegram: Contact @octo4achat
Feel free to report any bugs and contribute to the project.

Keep in mind that the app is still in its very early version and you might encounter some issues. I'm looking forward to hearing some feedback about the app :slight_smile:


That's super cool! Can you install plugins and everything?

Yes you can.

Yes, most of OctoPrint plugins should be supported.

I like this. How many old phone - tablets are gather dust that could be used. Are you planning Play store access? Reason I ask is my 3 old Android devices do not have access to the Play Store anymore. (Thanks Google) but other wise work fine. - Just saw, Android 5. OK, well all my old stuff will not work. :frowning:

The app isn't going to be released on Google Play as Google doesn't allow apps that download external software anymore. I'm currently working on a new update of my app, that will add support for older Androids (Jellybean and higher). I'll let you know once i finish it :slight_smile:


Nice work!
The printer charge the phone? (Prusa mk3s) or do i have to charge it somehow else?

It probably won't have enough power to properly charge the phone, it probably will (most printers have backpowering on the USB port) but you might need something like a split cable so you can charge at the same time.

Very cool! I have also done some Android work to the Octoprint API in B4X but stopped short of putting a GUI on it. I am NOT a big Play Store fan at all so not being available on the store is no problem with me! :wink: FYI: I have 2 - 10Inch and 1 - 8inch 4.xx Android tablets that do not work with the store anymore.

Is it possible to use the device camera?

It can, and it worked well for me if I can remember (this was way back in the summer last year)

Hey! This is an amazing project! How do you log in using ssh though? I tried ports 22 and 8022. Neither worked.

Thanks, after enabling ssh the port should be 8022. Currently it doesn't matter, but try to use the user "octoprint" - SSH logic is going to change a little bit with a new release :slight_smile:

Thanks for your reply. There was an error in my ssh command. I was trying to ssh into [ip]:8022 instead of using the -p argument. Fixing the command did the trick.

Also, I have a couple of questions.

  1. Wouldn't it be better if there was a way to stop the camera server the same way we can stop the octoprint server? Right now the camera server keeps running all the time. Even if the octoprint server is stopped. It doesn't stop even if we get out of the app. This can occasionally freeze the phone.

  2. There seems to be no way to quit the app and stop all servers. These are quite useful to have when you wish to turn off the printer at night for example.

  3. Any thoughts on trying klipper? I see that you are using termux. I believe it is possible to run klipper on it.

Also, while I am not familiar with kotlin and android app development but only react and react-native, I would like to help you out with this project. Feel free to contact me if you need any kind of testing.

Amazing! I was looking for something like this earlier this year and couldn't find anything reliable. What a great way to repurpose an old Android device and no need to buy (another) RasPi

This was so simple. Maybe the easiest thing about 3D printing. Thank You!

Is there any way to use the screen of the tablet to control the printer, same as if you have a touch tft on a rasp pi?

You can just open a web browser, the same way you access OctoPrint anywhere. Some of the android apps can also work in landscape/tablet mode as well - you connect to the server exactly the same way.

Does this support the prusa mini? Can't get it to connect.

Shouldn't have anything to do with this version of OctoPrint, but rather a problem with the printer or cable. Most likely a setting on the printer that has to be modified. See here; Prusa Knowledge Base The step called "First boot of RasPI"

This is for octo4a. Not octoprint on a raspberry pi.