Octolapse settings - Printer profile

My printer is a Tronxy X5SA

When i'm printing from an SD Card my prints come out great!

When i try print already sliced files using Simplify3D from Octoprint with Octolapse turned on my prints come out like this!


Checked settings but i must of missed something

Running all latest Octopi etc.

any help would be great..

Could you post a comparison photo of the same (or similar) part, as printed from the SD card rather than through OctoPrint?

You might also try printing in Safe Mode and compare the results.

On the left is from SD card and on right using octoprint

Do we know that this prints perfectly from OctoPrint if it's in Safe Mode?

Also, add your photo to this thread on the author's repository so that he can point you toward the development branch of this, perhaps.

i'm new to octoprint, how do i do safe mode?

It is in the Shutdown Menu the last item:

So what does safe mode do? Run with no plugin?

So it does - no plugins

Ok I’m just making a video of a test print one from sd card and one from Octoprint will add when completed

So my test file is Marvin Keychain,

1st test I printed from the SD Card

Next test was from Octoprint in Safe Mode where I had strange things happen, it ran the auto bed level ok, came back home but raised about 10mm and did not do the prime bit at the front of the bed and when straight for the center of the bed where it was doing the skirt in mid-air, once the skirt was done it dropped to the bed and started printing normally .

Here is the Gcode
20140205_Marvin_KeyChain.gcode (954.4 KB)

SD Card Print

Octoprint these 2 video's shows what happens with not priming and raising up about 10mm and going to the center of the bed


Did you already have a response/ answer/ Solution back.

I have also a Trendy X5SA. And I have the same problems. I'm still in the configuration/tuning phase of the printer.


Ron Cromberge

I'm also having the same issues after doing an upgrade to a X5SA control board. Any idea why it trys to print so far off the bed?

Same here! Any solutions so far?

I was having the exact same issue. I've figured out that if you run this GCODE "before print job starts" it used my z offset settings I put in my printer. Now I'm printing on the bed and not above it in the air (Using a Tronxy x5sa):
M107 T0
G28 Z0
G0 E3 F200

Not sure if you solved it but here's what I found to work:

I was having the exact same issue. I've figured out that if you run this GCODE "before print job starts" it used my z offset settings I put in my printer. Now I'm printing on the bed and not above it in the air (Using a Tronxy x5sa):
M107 T0
G28 Z0
G0 E3 F200