OctoPi Ender 3 Pro No actions execute after connection

I setup OctoPi on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+, configured the wifi and opened the webinterface. The automatic baudrate selection didn't work, so I selected 115200 manually, which seemed to work. I then switched to the control tab (which shows the camera image) and tried to move the printer head around, but the printer did not move.

I switched to the terminal tab and see, that the control commands are beeing send, but the printer doesn't move. I see that it responds in the console, but only after a while and it doesn't do any real word movements.

OctoPrint version: 1.3.10
OctoPrint: Current (downloaded yesterday)
Printer: Ender 3 Pro
Firmware: Vanilla one that came with the printer


[...]Recv: okSend: M20Recv: Begin file listRecv: /47ACB~1.MOD/TEST/TEST-D~1.GCORecv: 12CHAI~1.GCORecv: 12CHAI~2.GCORecv: CE3_3C~1.GCORecv: BOOKS5~1.GCORecv: BOOKS2~1.GCORecv: CE3_3S~1.GCORecv: CE3_WH~1.GCORecv: CE3_PA~1.GCORecv: End file listRecv: ok[...]Connection closed, closing down monitorChanging monitoring state from "Operational" to "Offline"Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial port"Serial port list: ['/dev/ttyUSB0']Connecting to: /dev/ttyUSB0Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial port" to "Opening serial port"Connected to: Serial<id=0x691c1df0, open=True>(port='/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=115200, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=10.0, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False), starting monitorChanging monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Connecting"Recv: startRecv: echo: External ResetRecv: Marlin 1.0.0Send: N0 M110 N0*125Recv: echo: Last Updated: Sep  3 2018 19:03:20 | Author: (Ender-3 Pro)Recv: Compiled: Sep  3 2018Recv: echo: Free Memory: 9679  PlannerBufferBytes: 1232Recv: echo:Hardcoded Default Settings LoadedRecv: echo:SD card okRecv: Init power off infomation.Recv: size:Recv: 591Recv: init valid:Recv: 0Recv: 0Recv: okChanging monitoring state from "Connecting" to "Operational"Send: N0 M110 N0*125Recv: okSend: N1 M115*39[...]Recv: okSend: M20Recv: Begin file listRecv: /47ACB~1.MOD/TEST/TEST-D~1.GCORecv: 12CHAI~1.GCORecv: 12CHAI~2.GCORecv: CE3_3C~1.GCORecv: BOOKS5~1.GCORecv: BOOKS2~1.GCORecv: CE3_3S~1.GCORecv: CE3_WH~1.GCORecv: CE3_PA~1.GCORecv: End file listRecv: ok[...]Send: G91Recv: okSend: G28 Z0Recv: okSend: G90Recv: okSend: G91Recv: okSend: G1 X10 F6000Recv: okSend: G90Recv: okSend: G91Recv: okSend: G1 X10 F6000Recv: okSend: G90Recv: okSend: G91Recv: okSend: G1 X10 F6000Recv: okSend: G90Recv: okSend: G91Recv: okSend: G1 X10 F6000Recv: okSend: G90Recv: okSend: G91Recv: okSend: G28 X0 Y0Recv: okSend: G90Recv: okSend: M106 S255Recv: okSend: G28 ZORecv: okSend: G91Recv: okSend: G1 X10 F6000Recv: okSend: G90Recv: okSend: G91Recv: okSend: G28 Z0

Solved the issue:

I made the mistake to not switch on the ender 3 via it's own power switch, but assumed, it would be on through the pi itself. So this is what you need to do:

  1. Disconnect the USB cable.
  2. Switch on the ender 3 pro via it's own power switch.
  3. Connect the USB cable again.

And then everything should work.


I just spent 2 hours looking for this most obvious answer. Thank you for posting the obvious for us NOOBS. #Ishakemyheadatmyself


Oh wow, I just did the same thing. What a fool! When I plugged in the Pi the screen on the printer turned on so I didn't think twice about the switch. This post saved me a lot of additional confusion :heart:

Or do like me and plug the printer and Pi into the same IKEA KOPPLA...

...and then this gets plugged into a TP-Link SmartPlug.