OctoPi not using Additional Serial Ports (Solved, but a puzzle)

I use Klipper firmware on the printer, which I understand works through a kind of virtual serial port.
Installation instructions say to put '~/printer_data/comms/klippy.serial' in the "Additional serial ports" box on the Octoprint settings.
It's been working fine, up until just now: after a break of a week or few I went to print something and found it was failing to connect.
Looking at the terminal I could see that it was looking on /dev/ttyACM0 and /dev/ttyS0 but it wasn't looking anywhere else.
Part way through writing this post, it occurred to me to try the full path, and that worked, but I thought I would finish the post in case anyone else has similar problems.

Also because I am puzzled as to why it happened and I'm hoping someone can explain, or suggest how I can diagnose the problem.

Have you tried?


in Additional serial ports?

Yes, sorry: was I not clear?
When I put the full path in, it works fine, but when I referenced it from ~/ it doesn't work.

Sorry, not on first sight.

BTW: I never used the relative path.

I just followed the instructions. That isn't a relative path: ~/ is Home... or at least, I thought it was.

There are some process contexts where ~/ is not defined. Perhaps OctoPrint is one of those.

jup, same problem here. ~/printer_data/comms/klippy.serial will not show up to connect, but the full path will. Connecting is a different story though. What Baud rate does one use to Connect Klipper to the virtual serial port and thus the klipper host?

Well there is a strange coincidence the problem had appeared to have come back, so I had the window open to compose, when Jay pops up with a question.
On this occasion, I hit the reset button on the printer board and it started working. Maybe that's a symptom?

250,000 I think. You can stick it on "Auto", it may take a little longer to connect, but it's only seconds.

Just seconds after i posted (after troubleshooting for an hour) I realized klipper wasn't running. No wonder there can't be a connection to klipper if one has killed the service :slight_smile:

So for me the working setup is as follows
aditional serial port: /home/YOUR_USER/printer_data/comms/klippy.serial
Baud rate: 250000