I upgraded to Octoprint 1.4.2 a few days ago. and the icons; setting, power, etc are missing from the Blue header.
I am running the 0.15 image on a Rpi 3B. This setup has worked for > 6 months with octoprint 1.3. I am viewing with Google Chrome on a MacBook Pro with 10.14.6 Mojave.
What did you already try to solve it?
I tried Safari and Firefox and saw the same missing icons.
Via SSH, I restarted Octoprint in Safe mode and observed the same symptoms.
In OctoPrint 1.4.0 a new granular permission system was introduced - that's why you don't see this on earlier versions.
When you are on OctoPrint 1.4.0+, you can go to access control in the settings, and see what permissions each user has. It seems you are logged in with a user that doesn't have full admin rights.
You say you are logged in as Pi, however that means nothing other than the name of the user - it's completely separate to the Raspberry Pi's users. Were you the person who set the install up? If not, you'll have to ask the person who did, to sort it out for you.
Thanks for the reply Charley.
I own the Raspberry Pi and I upgraded from 1.3.12 to 1.4.2.
I fixed it by going back to 1.3.12, setting a new password for the normal user. I then upgraded to 1.4.2 and used the normal user and new password to login. It works fine now.
Might be a bit late, but this post came up when I had a problem with Firefox - which is my default browser, the Power Icon had disappeared, but I had the checkbox to allow webpages to choose their own fonts unticked, ticking that box and the icon is back. [I normally use Vivaldi for trusted pages, whereas Firefox has NoScript, but Vivaldi, being Chrome based, is a memory and CPU hog.]