OctoPrint and Tevo Tornado printer

What is the problem?

I have been working with OctoPrint and the Tevo Tornado for about 2 years now. About 6 months ago I developed what appeared to be a layer shift problem. Because I had been using hair spray to try and keep my prints sticking to the bed I decided it was time to tear it down and clean it up. To make a long story short, when all was said and done, it didn't help. I set it aside for a while to work on other projects and just went back to it. When I started working with it again I realized that the filament was jumping and that was what was causing what was causing what looked like a layer shift, it was pushing out the filament before it could melt and it was clumping up. I check the e-steps and found that they were at 400 (someone told me that was the default step setting) and it was too high, I recalibrated it and ended up setting it to 137, which gave me the correct flow of the filament.
Now to my problem. After all this, I logged back into Octopi and I saw the announcement for the latest update and I upgraded. I checked the level of the bed and started a cube calibration test. I watched the bed and the hot end heat up on Octopi, heard the print start up and walked away from the printer. I came back about an hour later and found a catastrophic failure, filament everywhere but sticking to the bed. Because I had left the bed clean I decided to put Elmer's purple glue on it, I had started using it some time ago in place of hair spray, restarted the print and walked away. When I came back about 30 minutes later I again had a catastrophic failure with no filament sticking to the bed.
This time, I let everything cool down, checked the bed level, and restarted the print, this time I stayed with the printer, watched it auto home before starting the print then the hot end raised up a bit and started to print above the bed.
Thinking that maybe there was a problem with the file, I went to Thingiverse and downloaded a calibration cube designed specifically for the Tevo Tornado, sliced it using the latest version of Cura, moved it over to OctoPi and started a new print. Again, it auto homed and raised the hot end up and started the print above the bed. So I tried one more file that I had printed out in the past and it was good. But I had the same problem.
I thought about reverting to an older version of OctoPrint to see if that was the issue, but I'm not certain how to do it and nothing I found online gave me a way of rolling it back.
Any suggestions on what to look for would be helpful.

What did you already try to solve it?

I tried several different files including one that worked fine before.

Have you tried running in safe mode?

I don't know how to put it in safe mode. Can you tell me?

Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle

You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog ... no bundle, no support!)


Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible


First, the blue text strings in the template are links which, when clicked, will take you to a page with more instructions. For safe mode, click on the power icon at the top of the OctoPrint web page and then click on "Restart OctoPrint in safe mode". I'll let you practice on Systeminfo Bundle.

As for the nozzle being raised above the bed for the first layer, this could be an incorrect Z-offset setting. This can be checked with an M851 or an M503. If you would like us to look at those settings, then you should enable the serial log by going to Settings, Serial Connection, scrolling down and checking the "Log communication..." box. Then print something small (you don't need filament) and then post the Systeminfo Bundle.

Also, slice something simple like a 5x5x5mm cube and upload the resultant gcode here.

Did you happen to get the files that I emailed to you? If not, I can try it again and send you new files.

I did not get files you emailed but it would be much better if you just attached the files to a reply here. That way, any of the experts that frequent this forum could help you.

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It turns out that I didn't send you the systeminfo bundle as I thought I had, I had only sent the serial log. Here is the systeminfo bundle and the calibration cube that I sliced with Cura 5.0. Also, I am running Octoprint 1.9.3.
TT_xyzCalibration_cube.gcode (903.5 KB)
octoprint-systeminfo-20231119150224.zip (102.4 KB)

One last thing, when I ran the print for the systeminfo bundle, the nozzle did not lift off the bed like it did previously, Now, it is staying where it should.

If I understand you correctly, the files you uploaded do not capture the error. If so, there's not much we can do to help.

The serial.log can get very large so either turn it off until the problem returns (and then hope you can turn it on and capture the problem) or delete the serial log before each print so that if the problem returns, you will have captured it.

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