None of the commands I sent through Octoprint are obeyed by my printer. The only commands that the print follows are the return home. Fans do not work. The hot end and bed do not heat up.
What did you already try to solve it?
Ran it in safe mode. Tried rewiring some things. All connections are secured. Tried safe mode and resetting through the terminal. Tested different hardware, including the fans. Replaced nozzle.
Thank you so much for your response. I am new to this if you couldn’t tell!
I’ll keep the zipped file in mind next time I ask for help. My printer is the open-source Voron 0.1 printer.
I see what you’re saying. However, even when I was moving the z axis by an interval of 1, the bed still would not move. This also does not explain why my hot end and bed do not heat up. Any ideas? Thank you again.
Here are the system info files. After looking at this log files, I have this error message when trying to use the heaters.
Heater extruder not heating at expected rate
| Recv: // See the 'verify_heater' section in docs/
| Recv: // for the parameters that control this check.
| Recv: //
| Recv: // Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the
| Recv: // "FIRMWARE_RESTART" command to reset the firmware, reload the
| Recv: // config, and restart the host software.
2024-04-16 12:59:36,348 - octoprint.util.comm - WARNING - Received an error from the printer's firmware: Heater extruder not heating at expected rate
| Last lines in terminal:
| Send: M105
| Recv: ok B:24.2 /100.0 T0:24.3 /210.0
| Send: M105
| Recv: ok B:24.2 /100.0 T0:24.3 /210.0
| Send: M105
| Recv: ok B:24.2 /100.0 T0:24.3 /210.0
| Send: M105
| Recv: ok B:24.2 /100.0 T0:24.3 /210.0
| Send: M105
| Recv: ok B:24.2 /100.0 T0:24.3 /210.0
| Send: M106 S255
| Recv: // Heater extruder not heating at expected rate
| Recv: // See the 'verify_heater' section in docs/
| Recv: // for the parameters that control this check.
| Recv: //
| Recv: // Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the
| Recv: // "FIRMWARE_RESTART" command to reset the firmware, reload the
| Recv: // config, and restart the host software.
| Recv: // Printer is shutdown
| Recv: !! Heater extruder not heating at expected rate
I assume the printer is properly powered?
Did you built it yourself or have you got it assembled?
Then something with the powering of bed and hotend is not working.
A blown fuse (depends on the printer board), a loose cable, ...
You may have to check.