
Hello all
I install Octoprint-FineTuneRptr and it looks like that

I can´t see any Notivication!!
I allready flash octopi,reinstall the plugin!

from plugin log:
2018-10-01 16:17:22,946 > Installing collected packages: Octoprint-FineTuneRptr
2018-10-01 16:17:22,947 > Running setup.py install for Octoprint-FineTuneRptr: started
2018-10-01 16:17:27,421 > Running setup.py install for Octoprint-FineTuneRptr: finished with status 'done'
2018-10-01 16:17:28,690 > Successfully installed Octoprint-FineTuneRptr-

from serial log:
2018-10-02 09:15:16,184 - Connecting to: /dev/ttyAMA0
2018-10-02 09:15:16,201 - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Opening serial port"
2018-10-02 09:15:16,209 - Connected to: Serial<id=0x70789d50, open=True>(port='/dev/ttyAMA0', baudrate=115200, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=10.0, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False), starting monitor
2018-10-02 09:15:16,209 - Starting baud rate detection...
2018-10-02 09:15:16,211 - Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Detecting baudrate"
2018-10-02 09:15:17,355 - Trying baudrate: 115200
2018-10-02 09:15:17,414 - Send: N0 M110 N0125
2018-10-02 09:15:17,426 - Recv: ok
2018-10-02 09:15:17,667 - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting baudrate" to "Operational"
2018-10-02 09:15:17,693 - Send: N0 M110 N0
2018-10-02 09:15:17,743 - Recv: ok
2018-10-02 09:15:17,773 - Send: N1 M115*39
2018-10-02 09:15:17,834 - Recv: FIRMWARE_NAME:Prusa-Firmware 3.4.0 based on Marlin FIRMWARE_URL:https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware PROTOCOL_VERSION:1.0 MACHINE_TYPE:Prusa i3 MK3 EXTRUDER_COUNT:1 UUID:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
2018-10-02 09:15:17,870 - Recv: ok
2018-10-02 09:15:17,880 - Send: M21
2018-10-02 09:15:17,971 - Recv: echo:SD card ok
2018-10-02 09:15:18,297 - Recv: ok
2018-10-02 09:15:18,303 - Send: M20
2018-10-02 09:15:18,306 - Recv: Begin file list
2018-10-02 09:15:18,488 - Recv: End file list
2018-10-02 09:15:18,495 - Recv: ok
2018-10-02 09:15:22,676 - Send: M105
2018-10-02 09:15:22,687 - Recv: ok T:24.1 /0.0 B:24.1 /0.0 T0:24.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0 P:25.5 A:34.7
2018-10-02 09:15:33,813 - Send: M105

Additional information OctoPrint 1.3.9 auf OctoPi 0.15.1
Prusa MK3
Raspberry PI 3B+ GPIO connection
Happy greeting from Hamburg

As stated here, this addon is for Repetier-Firmware. Prusa i3 uses Marlin Firmware.

Ok thank you!
i already guess that