Thanks, yea, hopefully..
You can't. I've had way too many issues with users updating on actively throttled systems and causing file corruption or otherwise broken installs. You can always update manually through the command line, but automatic updating while being currently throttled is a no go now and I frankly don't want to add a flag for that since it will just make people run updates and break installations on unstable systems. The only thing you could do here is disable the Pi Support plugin but I frankly would recommend against that. If the Pi reports insufficient power, it's really insufficient power and not how you should run it. It causes hard to diagnose issues.
That, and undervoltage seems to be related to corrupted ext4
partitions on this as well.
I guess it's up to you, but I'd have it as an option to ignore it, mine have all run like this for years without any issues, and if it hadn't been for the 2.6 to 2.7 python update, they'd have probably gone on running like it, but now I'm stuck on this version of everything, I hope there aren't any major bugs..
I was trying to find a solution because I could not update both the octoprint server and the psu add on. Updated the server via pip, and found that the USB light was the cause for the throttling of the RPi. Problem went away 10 secs after I unplugged the light and was able to update psu control via the octoprint dashboard. I guess I'm looking at a different way of lighting up my bed
Hope this helps!
A smart plug with led strips plugged into it is a super easy way to light up the printer. Much brighter too.
Thanks for the suggestion. I just had a flexible usb light lying around that matched the PLA color I used for the mods and RPi case, so I thought it worked well without spending anything. Seems to do the job for my timelapses as well for what I need it to do.
Would getting a higher rating power supply mitigate the throttling? Or is it the actual load that causes it to throttle? I would think it was the latter, but just to clarify.
Does the pi also throttle with only the usb light and nothing else connected?
I run my Raspi 3 on a verified 5.2V 3A supply with a short fat cable and it's still complaining (but it's stable, ofc) (have a 5.4V supply incoming but seriously). I guess I'll disable the raspi plugin for now...
(I'm still not sure why it complains on the 5V rail since so few things run on 5V on the board? The design is strange.)
I totally sympathize with your decision though.
Measure the voltage across the GPIO 5v/GND pins. The Pi does not lie - we didn't make the Pi's undervoltage warning, it is a physical circuit on the board that trips if the voltage is below 4.65V.
If you are getting the warning, then the system is throttled. It isn't stable, because the Pi itself is limiting what it can do to try and function.
the USB connection of some printers (Ender 3 v2 for me) requires a lot of power from the raspberry. I solved the problem by "masking" using adhesive tape the + 5v terminal of the printer connector
I suspected this was my problem, thank you! My printer doesn't need to be powered by the Pi and it was choking things up. A bit of electrical tape and a reboot and all is well.
sure is strange how I have been using octoprint for 5 years with absolutely no problems what so ever using the same pi3 and power supply that came with it and same printer and same usb chord that came with my printer and same EVERYTHING and now suddenly I have an undervoltage because of a software update! I still have not had a single print fail and yet because of some undervoltage! but..I have to put up with an undervoltage warning and not be able to update plugins because of it! I even put a strip of tape on the chord I have been using for over 5 years with my printer and p3! did nothing at all! I could care less what it says its never been a problem in the past and never will be a problem so whats its purpose???? besides making people spend a lot of money to fix NOTHING! I have a power supply that came with my pi3. I have tried 10 different ones and 10 usb chords and nothing fixes this supposed undervoltage check someone invented that causes a warning that means absolutely nothing and affects absolutely nothing! Has anyone had a problem printing something due to undervoltage?? not me a post where someone specifically says they do! I sure would love to see that please! my system info is attached and (55.1 KB)
nothing has changed in over 5 years except octoprint and PI OS!
And the thing that reports the throttling is the Pi OS, not OctoPrint. I'm sounding like a broken record here by now, but ffs, stop blaming OctoPrint for reporting on a status when it is your Pi that detects an issue. Don't shoot the messenger. If you think this is wrong, take it up with Raspberry Pi.
its bs that isnt causing anyone any problems at all! sorry...just really frustrated... been using the same raspberry pi for 5 years so that tells me its a raspberry pi update thats causing it because i never got any undervoltage notifications until they updated their os and I never had a single problem ever before and continue not to have a single issue! my only issues are with marlin firmware bugs(freeware) but forced to use it because i cant edit creality firmware to support my requirements! Its just sad how you can get everything working beautifully after months and months of fighting with bugs in freeware and then have updates with raspberry pi and marlin again and suddenly be dead in the water for months again...the exact reason why i got away from 3d printing for so long and now being reminded exactly why! Marlin firmware wont allow my y axis to autohome at all but i can certainly move my y axis to home by just using move axis instead of autohome and cerality firmware works perfectly but doesnt meet my printer custom settings i need and now raspberry pi reports undervoltage which affects octoprint so basically all 3 aspects are all fubar again because of updates that just cause problems for everyone!!
I've been running this project for almost a decade. I've seen a TON of issues, from broken updates and broken plugin installs over network issues and semi broken web interfaces up to outright print failures that magically went away once people fixed their undervoltage issues. That is not bs, that is experience over the better part of a decade. We've seen way less of these issues ever since the undervoltage warning and restrictions went in, so apparently it's working to make people fix their stuff instead of ignoring the check engine light and then screaming at us for free help.
I get that you are frustrated. Venting your frustration here at us and declaring our experiences as bs won't solve your issue though. Reading linked FAQ entries might.
Also, please stop calling open source software freeware.
Well...i am just convinced that this was all a money thing created by Raspberry PI to create power supply sales! They provided power supplies that were 5v 2.5 amps with the PI I purchased! it worked beautifully and never didn't even after they created the new power check in their OS update! I never had a problem before and never have had a problem with under voltage even after...never had a print fail ever due to instability as the warning says lol! I have purchased a new certified Raspberry pi power supply now that 5.1 v and 3amps and plugged it in and no under voltage warning anymore! They just wanted EVERYONE to purchase new power supplies to boost their own sales as they were the ones that supplied the 5v power supplies and then found out that they don't provide enough power! They should have replaced the power supplies..recalled them not place the cost on the consumer to replace an engineering issue with their product and that's a fact! But that's what companies do when they don't want to suffer the loss they should be suffering! Now they got the best of both worlds don't they. They sold how many millions of under powered power supplies for their product and now will make millions on replacements from people that will buy new ones with the proper power requirement just to get rid of a warning that doesn't cause me or anyone else any problem other then with octoprint warning! I find it appalling and i hope they should be sued in a class action lawsuit and eventually probably will!
Please just take your theories and arguments elsewhere, we're not interested in it.
sorry I am a quality engineer of over 40 years in the industry and I know what they did and i thought i would share with those that are interested ...maybe not you but please dont try to speak for others or tell me what I can or cant share! others might be interested to know that they are being ripped off for a raspberry pi engineering error....i could care less that YOU aren't interested i willl still share with others that are interested! thx and have a nice day!