OctoPrint keeps disconnecting from my print

What is the problem?
Randomly during a print Octoprint will lose connection.

What did you already try to solve it?
Tried different USB ports on the rasbpi

Additional information about your setup latest version of Octoprint, captured this string of text that happens consistently with each issue

Recv: ok 1155

Send: N1156 G0 F3600 X36.657 Y50.234*121

Recv: ok 1156

Send: N1157 M105*21

Recv: T:220.54 /222 B:50.00 /50 B@:0 @:230

Recv: ok 1157

Send: N1158 G1 F1800 X149.966 Y163.543 E1096.71611*13

Recv: T:220.54 /222 B:50.00 /50 B@:0 @:230

Recv: ok 1158

Send: N1159 G0 F3600 X149.966 Y162.977*126

Recv: ok 1159

Send: N1160 G1 F1800 X37.223 Y50.234 E1104.67074*10

Recv: ok 1160

Send: N1161 M105*16

Recv: ok 1161

Send: N1162 G0 F3600 X37.789 Y50.234*125

Recv: ok 1162

Recv: T:221.25 /222 B:50.00 /50 B@:0 @:230

Send: N1163 M105*18

Recv: ok 1163

Send: N1164 G1 F1800 X149.966 Y162.411 E1112.58543*7

Recv: T:221.25 /222 B:50.00 /50 B@:0 @:230

Recv: ok 1164

Send: N1165 G0 F3600 X149.966 Y161.846*113

Recv: ok 1165

Send: N1166 G1 F1800 X38.354 Y50.234 E1120.46026*0

Recv: ok 1166

Send: N1167 M105*22

Recv: ok 1167

Send: N1168 G0 F3600 X38.92 Y50.234*69

Recv: ok 1168

Send: N1169 M105*24

Recv: T:221.79 /222 B:49.93 /50 B@:255 @:0

Recv: ok 1169

Send: N1170 G1 F1800 X149.966 Y161.28 E1128.29516*48

Recv: ok 1170

Recv: T:221.79 /222 B:50.00 /50 B@:0 @:0

Send: N1171 G0 F3600 X149.966 Y160.714*125

Recv: ok 1171

Send: N1172 G1 F1800 X39.486 Y50.234 E1136.09012*7

Recv: ok 1172

Send: N1173 M105*19

Recv: ok 1173

Send: N1174 G0 F3600 X40.051 Y50.234*120

Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. Configure long running commands or increase communication timeout if that happens regularly on specific commands or long moves.

Send: N1175 M105*21

Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. Configure long running commands or increase communication timeout if that happens regularly on specific commands or long moves.

Send: N1176 M105*22

Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. Configure long running commands or increase communication timeout if that happens regularly on specific commands or long moves.

Send: N1177 M105*23