OctoPrint not accessible via VPN , port 443 and port 80 not reachable via VPN
What did you already try to solve it?
OctoPi is accessible via SSH, I have a proper ping, port scan, and SSH with no problem , but no HTTP or smartphone app.
It seems like OctoPrint not allowing HTTP/HTTPS access from another source network, maybe firewall in OctoPI ?
It's working perfectly from lan, I didn't install a proxy.
It's normal to set up OpenVPN with a Tplink home router. The VPN is working fine with all devices in the home network, except the http interface of Octopus.
I can ping Octopi and scan all open ports, I can even do ssh from vpn.
If you did not install a proxy, on your OctoPrint device you should be required to use port 5000 on the local lan. I don't see that...
If the SSL(HTTPS) URL works on your lan, you must have installed a cert of some type. And again, will require a proxy like HA to make that work.
Maybe the install you used (Sounds like Octopi OS ) includes the proxy setup and you just are unaware of it.
When you say the ports are open for HTTP/HTTPS and SSH, are they open for all traffic or just specific IPs? Is there a screenshot of the rules you could share.
I am not sure if the firewall or proxy on the Pi can distinguish from an external network request or a direct LAN request. I don't think this is the issue but it might be something to look into.
In relation to the VPN setup, what type of Connection is being made. P2P or roadwarrior ?
How you are testing your VPN connection.
Are you at a remote location?
Are you using cell data and sitting in the same location as the local LAN?
Are you connecting to the VPN endpoint from within the local network?
Something else ?
My best guess is that you likely have the VPN setup differently than you think or you are testing it in a way that it is not intended to work.
Also maybe gateway routing... If you don't have the proper gateway configured in your OctoPi network config, it might work local but not for a remote connection.
Maybe share your SystemInfo bundle, might be something in there that has value. Maybe in the tornado log.