Octoprint not setting bed/nozzle temp


Name, version, operating system

PrusaSlicer 2.7.4

What is the problem?

Anytime I send a print from Octoprint, the print immediately starts without the proper bed/nozzle temp. The target temps listed on the dashboard are at 0°C. When I transfer the same g-code to the SD card and printer from there, everything works like it should.

When I manually preheat the bed/nozzle from the printer and then submit the job from Octoprint, I notice that it does not extrude any filament.

What did you already try to solve it?

upgraded OctoPrint, PrusaSlicer, Printer Firmware and also removed and added the printer in OctoPrint.

Systeminfo Bundle

You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog ... no bundle, no support!)

octoprint-systeminfo-20240724120204.zip (57.4 KB)

Example GCODE file

Please upload here, the forum supports file uploads of GCODE files

CABLE CLIP_0.15mm_PLA_MK3S_7m.gcode (275.4 KB)

I will post the terminal commands from this print job shortly

Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible

OctoPrint Version: 1.10.2
Printer: Prusa MK3S+
Firmware: 3.14.0

lol, I seemed to figure it out. It's one of my plugins that is causing the issue. I will turn them back on one at a time and report back which one was the issue.

Hello @bklebel !

Another reason not to skip this:

Looks like Octolapse seems to be the culprit.

1 Like

Octolapse has a "test mode" (not sure of the exact name of the option) which behaves this way. Change the state of the option and things should work as expected.