Octoprint on a pi4 8gb

I just got my ASWX1 V4 (stock) and am looking to setup Octoprint (RPi 3b+) on it but it doesn't seem that cut and dry. Did you have to do anything special to get it working?

I see another thread on here that says you need to cut the power line on the USB cable from the Pi to the SWX1 because the TFT will get in the way. Is this accurate?

This thread is about a raspberry pi 4 8GB - which was in beta testing. If you have problems with setting it up, please open a new topic to keep the discussion on track.

for updating for the nightlies is there a special way to do it or is it a backup-reflash-restore sort of thing?

Yup just backup-reflash-restore

Is there a desktop GUI for the 64bit version of Octopi?
No matter how much i manually install it or via raspi-config it never boots to the GUI.

oh i feel like im losing my mind here. I have a 4b8gb pi and i cant get the pi cam HQ to work if i use the 64 bit version. Ive attempted to flash the nightly, this 18.1, and even a few of the older versions.
whats driving me really crazy, is without changing a thing besides using the 32 bit octopi, no matter what i do i cant get my camera to work but if i use the 32 bit the pi randomly crashes. Sometimes after an hour sometimes after a day and a half.. BUT the cameras works on the 32 bit.
is there some voodoo im not doing right? i even did the upgrading commands like @PrintedWeezl postedoctoprint.log (63.1 KB)

could be power related - can't tell because you log covers only like 15 minutes

try it with no connected usb device (including the printer) and check if the 0.18.0 64 bit works then

So i made sure to have the raspberry pi power supply and ive reflashed my sd card, unplugged everything except the camera and the power supply, did the whole upgrade apt command procedure and even checked another ribbon cable. still no dice. even went in through putty to run the raspi config to activate camera. nothing. what else can i be missing?

yeah ive even switched to 32 bit and its still not showing up now. all i get is that screen that shows "wedcam stream not loaded"

ok so i did something silly. basically i gave up on the 8gb coz it was clearly overkill. I got myself a 2 gb... but the stable build (version 17) was giving me a wrong board warning (4 long 4 short bios error). the version 18 build loaded but the webcam never loaded. SO.... i saw a random post about this but i used my old pi 3 b to upgrade apt and then transferred it to the 4b 2gb pi. and it worked! leaving this info here in case another person like me has fallen down the rabbit hole. i will now take my leave