Octoprint on a pi4 8gb

Can you upload fixed Version?

No probs Printed Weezl, it's all in the fun of running beta images. really appreciate that you take tehtime to set this up and do it,

Downloaded, flashed, web page is up

BTW, as it starts up on the boot sequence it says
[FAILED] Failed to start the OctoPi webcam deamon with the user specified config

@Tom_Tom already done :slight_smile: it got the same name that's why I uploaded the wrong file. This time I checked the md5sum and tested on my pi 4 to make sure it's the right one

@dbsargent I didn't boot the pi with a screen attached and didn't notice it
but usbcams and picams are working for me

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Thank you, it's working now.

I have an pi4 8gb that I was trying to set up, and reddit sent me to the nightly builds to get it up and running. However, when I try to follow the links in the nightly build page I get the following:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

Message>The specified bucket does not exist.</Message

Has anyone else experienced this/know how I might be able to do things differently? I'm operating on Windows 10 and have tried using chrome and edge to see if that makes a difference. Thanks in advance for any help!


You can use this Image file from @PrintedWeezl
Works on pi4 8gb


@guysoft Might want to check whatever's hosting the image downloads, are you able to sort this out? Anywhere the storage.googleapis.com address is used, it seems to be failing (including on Github Releases). Doesn't seem to be working for anyone at the moment.

for what it's worth the nightly builds are available again...


Yeah, but you can't actually download them, that's still broken.

AFAIK the nightlies were still being pushed to a Google cloud bucket that was provided by my former employer from way way back in 2015. My guess is they finally switched it off.

After staying up most of the night trying to make the old version of Octopi work I found this! Hoping it will work.

Well, I got the green light for once from Etcher when I flashed the image to my SD card. That's promising

Actually able to log into my Raspberry remotely for the first time! This is exciting. Glad I found this thread!

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@PrintedWeezl Is this the latest beta for Octopi on a Pi 4 8GB? How does this compare to the nightly builds on octoprint website?

get the nightly....

Yeah the nightly is the latest image and it's the official one.
I named it 0.18.1 because I built another one before and didn't want to confuse the users.

So I'm pretty new here, and this is a bit confusing ... I've got a pi4b 2gb I bought a few days ago. I attempted to install the build of octopi from the download page (0.17.0) and got the "this board needs newer software" error as others above.

What specific build do I need to get octopi running? Sorry but the thread is a bit long and it's hard to tell what's what after awhile.


Just thought it would be helpful to mention that I got my instance up and running with the recommended build, thank you again