Octoprint PSU control and orca slicer


I am printing for years with octoprint and sliced with cura. In cura there is an option with says "switch on printer with: PSU control". When I started a print job Octoprint automaticaly switched the printer on and started the print job. Now I switched to orca slicer which is much better in my opinion. Unfortunately there is no such option in orca slicer. What is cura doing to switch on my printer via GPIO pin? Can I do the same with orca slicer?

Hello @ruesti !

Have you seen this in the PSU Control settings?

Just insert a M80 to your start code.

I've seen it and tried it but unfortunately it doesn't work. M80 is a gcode that is sent to the printer, but it is not switched on at the time and so has no effect. I also tried M81 as the end code and that works and the printer turns off. There has to be some command to the raspberry pi.

It should be filtered out by the gcode parser.

You can't try it from the terminal.

Am I correct @kantlivelong ?

Turn on prior to printing after API upload in PSU Control settings should do what you want.

on prior to printing after API upload in PSU Control did the job to switch the printer on but the print is not starting. What to do?

The API for upload has an option to print immediately. If that's not an option in Orca then they'd need to make the change to support it.

Orca has:


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