Octoprint Raspberry Pi Touch Screen Install - Touch UI - Chris's Basement

Chris Riley again shared another well made guide:
Octoprint Raspberry Pi Touch Screen Install - Touch UI - Chris's Basement

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Not bad.

  • File expansion not necessary
  • Windows has difficulty using the hostname if you haven't added Bonjour
  • If you run the vendor's install scripts using sudo it shouldn't be necessary to chmod the file attributes, you'd think
  • If this works, then it won't need to add the Desktop install step... Oh wait, no, it installs the PIXEL/Desktop.
  • Interesting information at 12:00 minutes into it regarding the need to indicate the network in the config.yaml -> accessControl section. We should remember this one. I really don't like how he edited his config.yaml (leaving "salt" at the wrong indent level like that for so long). :skull_and_crossbones:
  • The reboot command doesn't need "now" as an argument; he's confused that with shutdown.

I like the particular display he's purchased since it has the orientation-adjustment button. :+1:


I'm new to the forum but I've been using (and writing about) OctoPrint for several years. I just published my own OctoPrint touchscreen video yesterday—would love for you guys to check it out and give me feedback. I don't think I have permission to create new topics in the Guides section yet, so hopefully this comment is okay. :slight_smile:

Please let me know what you think. Thanks!

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I actually created an issue on Adafruit's TFT script installer which talks about the incorrect console-based orientation for the touchscreen. It's an easy fix in the /boot/config.txt file.

Ah yes, I indeed found and attempted to use your fix when I spent a few hours troubleshooting one day. :slight_smile: Not sure if it's a difference in Raspbian version or what, but it didn't work for me.

I checked my Raspbian logs and it said the touch-swapxy, touch-invy, etc. parameters were unrecognized and thus ignored. It even tried splitting the dtoverlay into multiple lines in case it was a character length issue (which I've read about regarding /boot/config.txt), and nothing would get it to recognize those.

I was really hoping to include such a simple fix in the video/guide instead.

Bummer. Perhaps it's a difference in the overlay code itself, noting that I was using the 2.8" there.

Ah that's very possible!