Octoprint stopped working with Raspberry Pi 3 B+

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**I setup Raspberry Pi 3 B+ with Octoprint easily a few months ago and then w/o cause it stopped working. Meaning my bookmark with wireless IP address to Ender 3 through Raspberry Pi 3 B+ returns "This site can’t be reached". Initially i figured something in config went wrong w/o root cause why. Then I recall the Spaghetti Monster stopped working with some unmemorable msg about free, trial period, subscription?. I now ask if Octoprint is a pay for App and my trial period ended and reason for no connect. If this in not true, any suggestions how to troubleshoot Octoprint & maybe including removal to any existing config setting and a restart? **)

If it were me, I think I'd visit my router and verify that it hasn't dropped the earlier DHCP lease to that IP address, reissuing a new one in its place.

I think you're onto something here. Router device table still shows original IP (one that doesn't work). I'm unsure if this could be a remnant that is not currently functioning. Would you have a suggestion how to verify the IP from router to rasberry --> Octoprint and into my 3D printer?

Add an Ethernet cable (or plug in a local keyboard/monitor/mouse to the Pi) so that you can run ifconfig and see if the RUNNING flag is there in the wlan0 paragraph and if so, what the IPv4 address is for that. Ignore eth0 for the moment.

An easier solution would be to just read the IP from the router directly. If the PI is running at all on the network (unless you did a complete reinstall and didnt set up the wifi correctly) it should show up. You can see that on the router usually at If you have an IP to try then use Windows Key + R and SSH pi@ and once in the pi you can run raspi-config and correct whatever you want.

To prevent this from happening again you can look into your router and set the IP to pi as Static. This will mean that it will not use the DHCP service in the router to assign an IP for that device. Set it to whatever is convenient. Because it is based on MAC address even when you reformat or update the Pi the address will remain the same.

If you cant see anything then you will need to connect directly to the pi as per the other guys method.