Octoprint transmitting GCODE incorrectly?

What is the problem?

Octoprint is randomly sending GCODE at an absurdly rapid rate, to the point it seems my printer isn't able to keep up and instead goes to X_MAX and Y_MAX and just spits filament. I have to powercycle the printer to cut the terminal connection. If I restart the exact same GCODE it will work properly. I have noticed it seems to happen more often if the printer sits idle for a bit (1hr+), but that may not be a factor.

This is occurring on all four of my Octoprint nodes

Looking at the terminal logs, I compared a failed start and a good start using landmark lines. The good start, between N39 and N500 was approximately 40 seconds. The bad start, between N39 and N500, was approximately 9 seconds.

serial (4).log (300.7 KB)

See attached serial log. I have denoted the beginning of the bad print with //BAD PRINT// and the good print with //GOOD PRINT//.

Looking at the bad start, the commands and returns look OK until N56, N56 took about 0.8sec between send and receive, then everything afterwards was less than 0.01sec each. I wonder if the printer board is replying too fast?

What did you already try to solve it?

I wasn't even sure what was causing this so I haven't done much to troubleshoot it, but it's been occurring for well over a year, probably closer to 2 or 3 years. I only discovered the speed of commands in the terminal today.

Have you tried running in safe mode?

I have not, it's very random, maybe once every 6 - 10 prints.

Did running in safe mode solve the problem?

I have not tried, but I will if it would help solve the problem.

Systeminfo Bundle

octoprint-systeminfo-20240721012707.zip (1.9 MB)
See Attached.

Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible

I will share some facts about my setup:
All four of my Octoprint nodes are running on Raspberry Pi 4's
I have three Sovol SV01 printers and one Sovol SV03 printer, all of which are heavily modified.
Occurs on both BTT SKR1.4Turbo and SKR2 boards running custom Marlin firmware. I have kept extremely meticulous change logs and versioning of my source code, I can share the source code and changelogs upon request.
Persisted across multiple versions of Marlin2
Occurs on different brands of USB cables
Occurs on both USB2 and USB3 ports of the Raspberry Pi's
All Pi's are running Octoprint 1.10.2, two are running OctoPi 0.18.09 and two are running OctoPi 1.0.0, two are running Python 3.7.2 and two are running Python 3.9.2

Any help is super appreciated, this has been bothering me for a very long time.