Ultimaker Cura 5.9.0, Windows
What is the problem?
OctoPrint starts the job, but before / during layer 2 - unloads the filament and continues printing. Everything works fine when the same file is printed from SD card, without OctoPrint. I seem to have the GCODEs for relative / absolute extrusions at the beginning of my GCODEs.
What did you already try to solve it?
Searched for similar issues in Internet & found one in your forum related to absolute / relative extrusions.
Systeminfo Bundle (18.7 KB)
Example GCODE file
CCR10_flex_filament_extruder.gcode (2.4 MB)
Additional information about your setup
OctoPrint 1.10.3 running on Android 13, on H96 MAX TV Box
Printer is Creality CR-10 v2 on Marlin firmware from TH3D (192.0 KB)
I've deleted all the logs and restarted OctoPrint, so that new logs are generated purely for this issue. I've stopped the print just after it unloaded the filament.
Are you sure this is a slicer issue?
Have you already tried safe mode?
The serial.log would be of help here too.
BTW: more the half (80%) of the new octoprint.log is full of Timeout Errors.
I examined the .gcode file with ideaMaker and the Prusa G-code Viewer. It looks to be valid.
From the .log file(s) it looks like you have the Octolapse plugin but I see lots of errors:
2024-11-28 09:40:48,831 - octoprint.timelapse - ERROR - Could not capture image /mnt/external/.octoprint/timelapse/tmp/CCR10_flex_filament_extruder_20241128093651-1.jpg from classic provided by classicwebcam
I strongly recommend that you attempt to print this file in Safe Mode without any form of timelapse.
If that works, then it's time to understand and fix all the errors. If it doesn't work, then please enable the serial.log and print it again so we can see the actual communications between the printer and OctoPrint.
Another experiment would be to uncheck the Special Modes, Relative Extrusion, and slice the object again. Print this version and see if the symptoms change.

Thank you all for your suggestions. I'll try disabling relative extrusion and will try the safe mode. I'm unsure if this is slicer issue, but couldn't find a better category for it. For the record, my printer is currently busy with 2-days job, so it'll take a while before I can try it.
The timeouts are related to my issues with webcam. It is Logitech QuickCam 5000 or so, bought years ago. Unfortunately OctoPrint doesn't recognize it as a camera and I'm trying to setup IP camera for it. But, at some point OctoPrint takes over the device, making the stream unavailable. This is a separate issue.
Hello, I can confirm that with relative extrusion turned off in Ultimaker Cura, the objects print just fine. So, it seems that there is something wrong in how relative extrusion is handled, causing the issue.
Edit: I'll need to do some more tests on this. I've started a print from SD card trough OctoPrint and it unloaded the filament again, even that relative extrusion was disabled. This wasn't in safe mode, but I have already disabled most plugins, including Camera Classic.
Hello, my apologies for the late reply. I can confirm that unchecking relative extrusion fixes the issue. I'm experiencing another one tough, but that'll be a new topic, when time allows.
Thank you for your help resolving it!
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