I have a problem with my Webcam Pi V2 in Octopi v 0.17 and Octoprint V1.4.0
This is new installation for me, and I am newbie.
I explain my problem. I have correct stream in octoprint when my printer is offline, but when I lunch an printing or move the bed, the stream is not loaded. I'm obligated to reboot system for find my stream.
Since I upgraded my Melzie board to an SKRv1.3 board, I have the same problem. Perhaps the fact that only the new 3D printer board causes the problem will be a clue. I taped over the 5v line on the printer's USB and it made no difference.
Here is the contents of the log. I was surprised by its small size. The junber on the SKR board is set no to power from USB.
Starting up webcamDaemon...
--- Configuration: ----------------------------
camera: auto
usb options: -r 640x480 -f 10
raspi options: -fps 10
http options: -w ./www-octopi -n
Found video devices:
USB device was not set in options, start MJPG-streamer with the first found vid$
/root/bin/webcamd: line 92: printf: 0x: invalid hex number
/root/bin/webcamd: line 92: printf: 0x: invalid hex number
<13>Jun 20 18:00:15 pi: Starting USB webcam
Running ./mjpg_streamer -o output_http.so -w ./www-octopi -n -i input_uvc.so -r$
MJPG Streamer Version: git rev: 501f6362c5afddcfb41055f97ae484252c85c912
Thanks for the input, but the camera was busted, bought a different one and now its running perfectly. only one thing, when i reboot the pi the streamer doesn't automagically start, i have to do that by hand true ssh Prepaid Gift Balance