Open In Bundle Viewer Browser extension

You may have seen the new OctoPrint System Info Bundle Viewer mentioned in Gina's latest OctoPrint On Air video, for viewing OctoPrint System Info Bundles created by OctoPrint 1.6.0.

Obviously this feature is not yet released so is not of much use at the moment. So Gina updated it to allow for viewing single log files :slightly_smiling_face:

It's annoying to have to copy and paste links into the bundle viewer, wouldn't something like this be cool?


It would be! So I created the browser extension.

You can add it to Chrome or (new) Edge here:

You can add it to Firefox from here:

Finally, you can find the source here:

Enjoy :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

:spiral_notepad: Note: This currently only works on and, since the bundle viewer requires the use of a reverse proxy to avoid CORS problems.