Print finishes but octopi shows its still printing

My octopi on a Rasberrypi 3B will print fine and finish the print but it will say that there are a few min left in the print the progress bar shows 100% the printer will cool down but the print wont show up in the log as if its still printing

I have tried restarting the octopi and made sure all my plugins and octopi are up to date when prompted to update

What octoprint version are you on and what printer and firmware version? Are you doing and SD print or starting from octoprint?

There was an issue I think with Marlin 1.1.8 and octoprint 1.3.6 when doing and SD print. This was fixed I think in octoprint 1.3.7.

This issue just started randomly and I’m starting the print with OctoPrint octopi version 1.3.8
Firmware on the printer is the one that came with the mono price maker select plus that added the leveling feature

It'll be fixed in the 1.3.9 release.

Any idea when that will be released

When it's done. And tested. And confirmed stable.

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Hello everyone or like we Northern German people say: Moin!
I'm using OctoPrint 1.3.12 at OctoPi 0.17.0 and a Monoprice MP10. When the print job is done the octoprint is going normal and is ready to do a new job etc., but my printer is still in the printing module. I can start a new print job or steering the printer via Octoprint. If I press "cancel" on the printer (it's a touch interface), the connection between Otcoprint and printer drops.
Could you help me, please? And it's useful if I attach the logs?


Yeah please attach the logs - especially the serial.log.
There might be something in the end gcode of your slicer which causes this behavior.

Here are the log files: octoprint.log (105.2 KB) serial.log (1.3 KB)

You may activate the serial logging beforehand...


Sorry, I didn't know before I have to activate the serial logging. Now it's active and I will post it when the print job is finished.
I forgot to write: I have the same issue just with some steering via OctoPrint, not only after a print job.

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So, here once again with the correct log files:
octoprint.log (591.5 KB)
serial.log (3.8 MB)

Same issue for me. The Screen on the printer is not on 100% and show message "FINISH PRINTING"
but on Optoprint, print is completed. After few minutes, the motor disabled but not completed. I choose option finish print and bed return to Y0 and motor enabled.

I use PrusaSlicer

My end G-code is:

M104 S0 ; turn off temperature
M140 S0; Turn off Bedd
G1 E-2 F900;  Retract Filament to minimize droping filament while still cooling nozzle

G1 X5.0 F2000
G1 Y2900 F1000;
M84     ; disable motors
M107 ; turn off fan
M300 S100 P500 ; chirp

Thanks for help.

Hello @Baster!

Honstely? I mean 2.9 meters is quite a number.