I'm working on running octoprint on windows with RPi 4B.
After lauching the software It can recognize the printers although I can recognize it on application manager (windows) and connect the printer via slicer.
Is there anything that must be adjusted on the code or configurations in my case?
I'm confused. Running OctoPrint on Windows is one configuration. Running OctoPrint on an RPi 4B is another configuration. What does "octoprint on windows with RPi 4B" mean?
Most installations of OctoPrint on a RPi 4B are created by installing OctoPi which is Raspberry Pi OS Lite with OctoPrint and a few other utilities already installed.
USB works fine with all windows application, although octoprint doesn't recoginize printer on USB port. Cura and Slicer are not being used simultaneously
I assume it is some code related issue regarding the variable for usb ports on linux and windows, but can't work it out
Ok, so you said it's recognized by windows and is listed in device manager as a new com port? If that is the case then make sure you are selecting that port in the connection panel of OctoPrint. Also, make sure you have Cura closed when attempting, it will lock up the connection to the printer if it sees it unless you delete the USB Printing plugin (or something like that).
This thread was also created in the 'Development' section rather than 'Get help' - so the request for a systeminfo bundle was missed. It might be useful to share the bundle here as it will contain useful information about the connection attempts.