Printer hesitates while printing. leaves a blob and moves on

After upgrading to 1.10.3 printer is hesitating, leaves a blob, then continues.

Reimaged octoprint - new sd card.
Different PI
New main board
Multiple printer cables
Checked connections

Tried running in safe mode, didn't fix. (3.5 MB)

ANET A8 heavily modded.
Changed a few 'Query intervals' to no avail.

Can you please enable the serial.log, try again and post a new systeminfo bundle

Sorry about that. Had to do it separate, other file too big.
serial.log (49.4 KB)


Thanks for the serial.log, but it does not include a print, just a heating up.


Just to be sure - you printed the same gcode with an older version of OctoPrint and there was no pausing / stuttering?

Good question. No. Let me try another older print to see what happens. (2.2 MB)

On the first glance I can't see anything where I would say it is caused by OctoPrint.
Seems to be a firmware issue.

What I see is a lot of small moves that may overfill the printer's input buffer.

Thank you. I have altered the firmware a little, nothing to do with this issue.
Believe it or not, it's not doing it any more. I was getting the little blobs, backed off the heat on the hotend and it was still hesitating, blobs not as big. Started up the next day and smooth as cream.

Noticed the 2 webcams where eating up a lot of processor time so changed them to use all 4 processors instead of 2. Seemed to help.


OK. I saw where you were going with it and I figured it had something to do with the PI. Overclocked the PI, turned off throttle control and it's running faster than it ever has. Smooth with no hesitation.

Thank you for everything.

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How did you check and set the webcams to use all 4 cores please?

Telnet to your pi.
cd /etc/systemd/system
sudo nano camera-streamer-libcamera.service
Scroll down to:

Remark out the AllowedCPUs=1-2 with a "#"
Create line for 1-4
Save the file and reboot.

Another check, make sure you are running 64 bit if your pi is 64 bit;
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
Usually at the top, make sure you have;


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