Printers known to have backpowering issues

I belive the "Tenlog Hands 2" has this issue.

I've not yet set up octopi on it, but I did notice even when powered off, the UI on the printer was usable when attached to a computer.

I suspect all of Tenlog's printers have this, but I only have the one.

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You can add the BTT SKR Mini E3 V2.0 board. It also backpowers.

doesn't BTT boards have a jumper that you can switch to avoid powering over USB?

Creality Sermoon D1 also has this problem.

I found a relatively easy fix using a dremel with a small burring wheel, and went through the apeture in the top of the USB 2 male. I would recommend this fix for everyone as I almost stuffed my Voxelab Aquila by plugging in a USB supply.
Make sure to mark these non-power cables as I have:

I have discovered that my Ender 3v2 will trigger an alert about a thermal runway β€” on a printer that it powered off. So now my post-print hygiene includes pulling the USB cable (USB micro B in the year of our lord 2023?).

I just found out that the SKR Mini E3 v3 also backpowers. Just posting this to let other know in the future.

How interesting, I have several CR-10S machines upgraded to the SKR Mini E3 v3. Only one is giving me random disconnects via wifi. My log shows a variety of DNS issues trying to connect to Obico. The only 2 CR-10S machines are not experiencing any issues. To make my life more interesting, i also have a CR-10S Pro v2 that is on your list. I've learned to power on the machine first, then connect the cable. Thus far, the only thing I have noted on that device is some laggy video.

I've read thru the comments but really haven't seen an "Idiot's guide on how to fix this" in the cable yet. Help =)