This is
- OctoPrint 1.8.4
- Python 3.7.3
OctoPi 0.18.0
on a raspi3b with an Ender 3 running Marvin (last reconfig on 24.11.21)
No changes on the firmware or raspi since half a year or more other than occasional apt updates and octoprint version updates.
3d-printing had paused for 2 months and as I started again I found an issue which I read about here a while ago. But of course cannot find the old post.
The printer doesn't run smoothly and in a continous way, instead it prints a bit, then stalls, waits for something, then comes the next bit, stalls again, etc.
While the printHead stalls filament oozes out so the surface of walls is a mess. Print times are longer than they should be.
Oh, it is not just the printHead, all axises, including the extruder show the same stop&go behaviour.
What did you already try to solve it?
I took a look into the serial.log but nothing caught my eye. No 'funny chars' garbage indicating transmission errors.
Restarting the service did not change anything.
Safe mode didn't change anything.
Slicing the model with a different slicer (cura 4/5) didnt change anything.
Reboot didn't change anything.
Have you tried running in safe mode?
Did running in safe mode solve the problem?
Unfortunately, no change.
Systeminfo Bundle (822.0 KB)
Additional information about your setup
had been rather stable system this year.