I have problem installing octoprint 1.3.12
I have Octoprint 1.3.11 installed and failed to install 1.3.12.
Here is a log file.
Error installing.log (188.0 KB)
I have problem installing octoprint 1.3.12
I have Octoprint 1.3.11 installed and failed to install 1.3.12.
Here is a log file.
Error installing.log (188.0 KB)
Looks like something is up with that file system:
byte-compiling /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/server/util/tornado.py to tornado.pyc
error: [Errno 5] Input/output error
I suggest to run an fsck
and then running the update manually.
Today I tried fsck but there was a message saying that a mounted partition cannot be checked.
Do you power down the RasPi one in a while? And if yes, in what way: regular shutdown of just pull the plug?
My RPI3 is always on. Sometimes I just pull the plug when it stops working.
I think the easiest thing for you would be to do a backup via the octoprint webinterface and flash a fresh octopi image. Restore your backup and update octoprint and you're done
Thanks. I will try that way.