Your login session earlier is difficult for us to determine what's going on.
Did it seem to prompt for the password and then immediately say that access is denied? In that case, it's as if the keyboard is getting two RETURNS instead of one after you type pi [enter].
The default password for the pi user is raspberry unless you changed that at some point. It's a bit of a spelling test.
After inputting my password (I did change it), there's about a 2-3 second pause, then the Access Denied is displayed.
I am consistently able to login with the same keyboard via direct connect to the Pi.
Is there another log file I can pull using the Octoprint web interface that may provide some clues?
I may have just done something foolish - I have started the GUI interface download. I figured if I couldn't remote in, I would hook up BT KB & Mouse in the interim...
That's all we expect from Telnet- it proves that you can ssh to it remotely. So ssh is enabled; you need to figure out what the username and password is for the login- if you are connecting with a keyboard and monitor, presumably you know what it is.
I think I know what the problem has been all along. I am using a US keyboard on my laptop and Raspbian was still running default UK keyboard. when I finished installing the GUI, I reconfigured locality and keyboard to US. Rebooted, and now I can't login from anywhere, PuTTY or direct. the Pi is now expecting UK keyboard inputs for the password? I can't get into the thing to change the settings back - Catch-22! I may have to reimage and start over.
There ya go! If you look at us and uk keyboards you should be able to figure out what characters are wrong. You can rule out a-z, A-Z, 0-9, so if you only used a couple of special characters it shouldn't be too bad.
Should that happen again (unlikely, I know), here's something from Gina...
Take the SD card out, put it in a card reader. Create a file octopi-password.txt on it, containing a new password as it's only line. Unmount, boot, login with the new password.
Put that in ages ago for cases liked this and for easier provisioning. Should hopefully still work.