I'm trying to setup my xone2 with Octoprint. I have the pi running and the webcam is up. However, my printer isn't listed and I'm not sure what to put in the settings. Anyone out there using an xone2?
I have an Xone-2 and use Octoprint and OctoLapse. I use the RepRap settings as a template and go from there. You'll need to update the print volume. I don't use the slicer engine. I can't seem to get Octoprint to print any gcode I create in Cura, but Simplify3D works great.
I got pretty frustrated with trying to set up my Qidi X-One2 with Octopi. There are several versions of the Qidi X-One2 printer. The blue version and the red and blue version. I happened to have the red&blue with just the USB2-Type A Storage Slot.
I have also found they have three versions of motherboards as follows: (Current Motherboard) V4.8 with the USB Memory Stick - No UART pins. (Small Motherboard) V5.3 with the USB Memory Stick and UART pins. (Original Motherboard) V7.4 with the SD Card Reader with USB2-Type B port.
So I guessing you have either V7.4 using the USB2-Type B port or the V5.3 with the UART pins. Took a few days to see everyone posting that they could use the Qidi X-One2 with Octopi and that some people are frustrated that they cant find the UART pins or the board is just a blank on that part of the board. The V5.3 board is on Ebay from the manufacturer for those that are wanting to connect it their network. It is a pity that the WiFi pin headers are non functional.