Rasberry Pi 4b + Camera Modul 3

Camera model

Model 3

What is the problem?

I tryed to connect the camera since the last two days but without success. Camera image is not visible. Visiting http://octopi.local/webcam/stream returns a server error. The device is connected.

What did you already try to solve it?

  1. Verify device is connected correctly
  2. Stream test from OctoPrint Settings fails.
  3. Reinstall OctoPi + OctoPrint via Raspberry Pi Imager

Have you tried running in safe mode?


Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle

You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog ... no bundle, no support!)
octoprint-systeminfo-20241102215804.zip (114.0 KB)


Additional information about your setup

Octoprint Version: 1.10.2
OctoPi Version: 1.0.0
Octodash Version: 2.3.1
Rasberry Pi 4b
Camera: Model 3
Printer: Artillery Sidewinder X1


The RPi Camera V3 requires the new camera stack version of OctoPi.

where do I get this? And is there somewhere an instruction how to intall it?


@Ewald_Ikemann showed you where to get it and the installation is exactly the same as the stable version.

You can also get the image from https://octoprint.org/download/ with some instructions.

THX for your help, now I got it :wink:

I can't get mine out of portrait mode, is yours normal? can you send screenshot?

Do you have the plugin "Camera Streamer Control" installed? In the settings for it there is an option to rotate the image.

yes i do. but the image doesn't need rotating.

You have to rotate the camera, too. I thought that was obvious. :slight_smile: